Sep 4, 2014

Such a treat!

We love us some JOTI!
Teaching Scarly how to cook East Indian!

XO The cutest XO

She's so hilarious MOM!

Having Joti around once or twice a week is such a blessing.  As you can see, Scarlet loves time with her too.  I needed to feature this delicious vegetarian dish that she whiped up for dinner one night (and cleaned up afterwards too).  A spicy chick pea curry with flat bread and unfortunately, I have no idea what she called it, not Na'an, but something that starts with a 'p'.

Anywho, my mouth is watering just looking at these pics.  Fortunately, for someone who is currently being forced to watch GI levels and sugar, this was a fantastic dinner for me!  For those of you who were wondering from my last post about Joti - she is part time and does not live in with us.  She is at the house for a few hours and leaves us to have dinner on our own as a famjam even though I have asked her many times to stay.  She is just so amazing.  We definitely are one lucky family to have found her.

Basmatic rice - low GI
chick peas - perhaps some of the lowest glycemic loads
  salad on the side is also very low
Kate Can Enjoy!
I had one flat bread thing which was made with indian flour and spices so this was probably not the best for me, but they were tiny and I felt amazing after the meal, contrary to feeling dizzy prior to the testing.

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