Sep 2, 2014

29 weeks pregnant

Weekly Pregnancy Update

How far along are you?
29 weeks!

How are you feeling?
Tired.  Really pooped.  

Any weight gain? 
1 pound for a total of 19 pounds putting me at 134

New symptoms?
Just more fatigue.  My belly button is really starting to flatten out which is a good sign of growth.

General mood?
Happy and excited.   
This was very obvious at the last ultrasound.  The technician, her assistant and I were all laughing out loud at what a little show-off this baby boy was being.  Also, there is absolutely no question - there is a prominent 'member'.  One of my friends who is a little further along than me by a few weeks was told that her second child was a little girl up until a month ago!!!  Then went to her last ultrasound and they said ‘Nope, it looks like you’re having another boy!’.  Can you imagine?!?!?!  So, I’m still really happy that things have stayed the same for us.  For the simple reason alone that I’ve bought WAY too much stuff to do returns at this point.  Oh!  That would be bad… so so bad.

What foods are you craving?
Unfortunately I’ve been craving some junky stuff but haven’t been able to eat any of it because of the low GI diet and almost zero sugar.  It’s been a struggle, but I’ve found some great recipes to help me get through the next 11 weeks that I’ll post up in ‘Eats’ really soon.

  Do you miss anything?
Honestly, I’m already missing the hot and long summer days.  I’m also missing my brothers and sisters and sleeping on my stomach...and wine.

Besides the bathroom breaks and zombie dream that I had last night it’s been great.  I’m legitimately afraid of zombies and occasionally dream about them.  Weird hey?  It's situational, like, what would I do if this happened and how would I handle this scenario?  I'm a grown woman but they're still so frickin’ freaky to me!  

Working out?  
Walking and weights.  BOOOORRRR-ing.  Scar and I were out shopping today and when we were getting out of our car this huge black dude on a motorcycle came up to us and randomly starting talking to us (no joke).  He flat out asked me; ‘why haven’t I seen you lately at McKenzie towne Goodlife?’  and I go; ‘ummmm, I’m pretty pregnant’ and stuck my belly to this total stranger (no joke) and he says; ‘That’s no excuse!’ and then winked!  (I'm still not joking).  I kind of laughed him off and then felt like I was one of those people that always has a bazillion excuses as to why they don’t go to the gym.  I didn’t want to get into a long story about the complications that we experienced with someone I had just met so I just let it go.  But I really am looking forward to getting back there when our son is born.

  Best   Most embarrassing moment this week? 
I’m going to share a quick preggo brain moment.  I’ve been doing a bit of online shopping lately purely for convenience sake and I quickly purchase stuff right before I take a nap.  Well, I don’t really know how it happened but I must have been super tired because I ordered the exact same American Apparel little boy onesie twice.  Like, same size, same colour, same sleeve length and no pants, but at totally different times and in different orders.  Errr…my bad.  It’s a good thing this stuff is made in the USA and reasonably priced!  Luckily, my friend who is now having a boy (rather than a girl) said she could use it when I told her I had two.  Oops.  I'm blaming it on my lack of brain right now.

What are you excited about?
Getting into the 30’s in terms of pregnancy weeks.  I’m really eager to meet this nugget and because these two babes are so close together it kinda feels like I’ve been pregnant forever - it will be nice to feel like I have my stomach and my uterus back to myself.  I'm also dying about our top two names!  We obviously LOVE them and I really want to share but feel like it's going to stay a secret up until the day he arrives.  Something has to be a surprise right?!


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