Sep 24, 2014

32 weeks pregnant

Weekly Update
How far along are you?
32 weeks.  8 MONTHS BABY!!!

How are you feeling?
Better!  Much better.  Not totally 100% as you can sorta tell from the pic, but the major symptoms have died down and I’m just left with a bit of a stuffy nose, which is AWESOME!
Scarlet is still pretty sick though, (first time in her life) so it’s been a little tricky trying to keep her happy but we’re managing. 

Any weight gain? 
1 pound for a total of 21 pounds putting me at 136 this week.

New symptoms?
Just a bit of difficulty breathing.  His head is right underneath my right ribcage and it makes it really hard to lay down to sit for long periods of time without feeling like I’m short of breath.  He needs to drop please.

General mood?
So much brighter and more positive.  


What foods are you craving?
Still soup funny enough.  Spicy too.  

  Do you miss anything?
 I miss my regular size.  Third trimester is a challenge for me.  I find it uncomfortable and it’s hard climbing stairs constantly or running after Scarlet with the extra weight.  Not to mention, it is so frustrating dealing with unnecessary comments.  I find it’s only ever women that do it (sorry, but true) and it always seems to be the older generation that point things out.  I have never received a questionable comment from anyone in my age group or younger in either pregnancy except that ‘YOU LOOK GREAT KATE!  Can I get you anything?’ which is all you ever need to say to a pregnant woman.  Just a little while ago, I ran into a woman who said word for word (because it stung for a few minutes and I remember it so clearly):  

‘MY!  How you’ve sprouted since the last time I saw you!  Look at that big belly!’  

HAHAHA!  Can you believe it?!  Like,… thanks.  Honestly.  As a dancer, growing up in front of a mirror is not easy.  I’ve had to work very VERY hard to be confident in my own skin and body - it would be so easy to resort to an eating disorder or negative thinking but I resisted those impulses and temptations with every ounce of my being because I never wanted to waste energy or time on the negative.  But it took work, and it wasn’t easy and pregnancy has definitely challenged certain thoughts, so to get statements like these (and others) is not cool.   

Also, it’s not like I or any other pregnant woman on this planet can control what is happening to their body.  It’s like I had something to do with the ‘sprouting’ or I’ve gone completely wild since the last time she saw me and just have been eating my face off when actually the opposite has been fairly true.  In fact, again I’m measuring small for gestation.  Finally, I question the motivation behind these comments…  During my pregnancy with Scarlet, I got my fair share of them as well (all from ladies older than me) and it just really made me wonder ‘what the heck are they trying to say?’  If it were ME and I said something like that to a younger woman, would I be trying to make her feel insecure?  Uncomfortable?  Ugly?  Self-conscious?  Obviously, she KNOWS she’s growing larger, so why point it out?  I swear, women are tricky sometimes.  My girlfriend said it may be because they are envious of our current youth and ability to become pregnant.  This thought made me think twice about it all.  

Anywho, that’s my vent.  I know without fail there will be more comments coming my way, but it’s just so wild.  When I lose all the weight (and more) like I did with Scar, none of these women will ever say a peep about it, but I can definitely feel their eyes on me and my tight butt (hehe) after giving birth.  Where’s your comments now huh?    Just kidding, I don’t care that they’re too proud to say anything afterwards and I really don’t need to hear it from them.  It just goes to show you, people will always remember the way you make them FEEL.

Has been pretty good.

Working out?  
Walking and running after our almost one and a half year old!  Can’t believe that she’s just shy of 1.5!  AHHH!

Best moment this week? 
Going out with Nate and Scarlet on two separate picnics during the same day!  The first was lunch at Fish Creek park in an area I had never been to, and the second was dinner at the beach.  So nice!

What are you excited about?
I’m still excited about dinner last night!  My girl Ali and I were Momma’s-on-the-loose and we got a little cray cray!  She doesn’t drink and I can’t right now, so when I say cray cray I mean extremely tame and civilized, but still it was so much fun.  Can’t wait to do it again.  I really value my girlfriends.



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