Oct 1, 2014

33 weeks pregnant!

Weekly Pregnancy Update

How far along are you?
33 weeks

How are you feeling?
The cold is gone (YAY) but I feel like a little old lady with all the pains and aches that have been bothering me.  My back is a mess.  I think the little guy is sitting directly on my S1 joint which is very painful. 

Any weight gain? 
2 pounds for a total of 23 pounds putting me at 138 this week.

New symptoms?
I’m officially nesting.  I’ve been ‘Miss tidy-pants’ for the past week - if I see anything that needs to be polished I get excited.  We have cleaners that come every three weeks but I still clean, tidy, organize the next day after they’re here!  I love love love a clean house.  Also, I’ve had more heartburn unfortunately and very itchy skin.  To date, this is the week that I’ve had the smallest amount of brain power ever.  

General mood?
Still generally happy.  I’m not feeling like I’m walking on eggshells anymore in terms of him arriving early.  That whole placenta abruption scenario was such a huge deal at around week 20 so this change is very welcome.  I’m worrying now that he is not turning and just wants to stay breech, but I’m somewhat ok with having a C-section if it comes to that.  In fact, there is something exciting about delivering this babe completely differently than the way Scarly was born, (even right down to the hospital). 


What foods are you craving?
Chocolate!!!  AND I CAN FINALLY HAVE IT!  

I should explain…
I forgot to mention this in my 32 week update but at my last doc appointment I was told that the hospital had implemented a new program connected to the gestational diabetes monitoring system and that I had wrongfully been told that I was on the ‘cusp’ of gestational diabetes.  The greater or lesser sign that they used (that looks like this < or > ), was flipped around backwards on the old program and so it made it look like I was right about in the danger zone when in fact all was well and aok.  





Weeks of healthy eating, worrying about sugar and carbs and low GI foods for what… ???  AND WHILE I WAS PREGNANT!!!  The one time in my life I truly allow myself to eat what I want whenever I want it! 

Soooooo, to make up for all the healthy eating these last few weeks and the ‘pregnancy-eating-time-lost’ (hahahahaha), I had one of those big jumbo sized chocolate muffins almost every single day.  Yes - those jumbo ones again - the ones as big as your face.  There is just something about them that I crave.   It was so nice to be able to eat them and any other food that I want without having to worry about this gestational diabetes stuff.  Jeepers has this ever been an interesting pregnancy.

  Do you miss anything?
Hugging Nate ‘flat on’ like tummy to tummy.  I have to turn sideways to embrace him and then wrap my arms around his neck.  He pulls me in and we try to get a nice squeeze but it’s not as satisfying for me.  I prefer straight on missionary hug ;)  Having said that, I’ll take whatever I can get from that man.  Gawd I love him. 

Has been really disrupted.  I’m so itchy regardless of how much lotion I slather on.  I think we need a humidifier in our bedroom.  I’m also up at least five or six time to go to the washroom and then when I do go it’s literally a few drops.  So frustrating. 

Working out?  
Walking, but not too much because of that S1 joint.

Best moment this week? 
Going to the SPA!  I spent a few hours (thanks to my husband) at a local Quarry Park spa and it was just heaven.  I could have stayed all day!  Haha.  It was just what this pregnant momma needed to take the edge off of the week.  I’ll be going back before baby boy is born FOR SURE since I’m pretty positive I won’t see the likes of a Spa for quite some time after he arrives.  This last time, for my pedi, I got the most gorgeous fall colour called ‘Espresso’ that I’m in love with.  I think I might have to buy it it’s so cute.  It’s like the darkest brown ever, almost black.  Very chic.

What are you excited about?
Getting my hair done.  I’m going darker (which I really like doing in the fall and then even darker in the winter) and I didn’t get a chance to last year because Scarlet was just at the age where breastfeeding increased and I couldn’t get away for more than two hours or so.  Anywho, I’m dying for a little change - pretty sick of the roots so I’ll be doing something closer to my own hair colour (which is a mousy dark blonde).  I’ll leave the mouse behind and I plan on getting a light brown to match all the fall colours around these days.  SO EXCITED!
Also, Nate and I have been invited to a wedding this SATURDAY NIGHT!  It's so great - the couple are actually already married (a destination wedding that not everyone was invited to), but they are now having an evening celebration for everyone that they wanted to be there and we get to go!  I feel like I haven't been to a wedding in two or three years so this is really exciting.  Not sure what I'm going to wear, but I know I'll have some nicely coloured hair!

p.s The above outfit details are in the 'Style' section


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