Oct 7, 2014

Scarlet's 18 month update!

Well, it’s that time again!  I wanted to do an 18 month Scarlet update just because I had been pretty diligent about all the other months during her first year, but to actually be sitting down to write it is astonishing to me.  Where the heck does the time go?  Here it is!  Hope you enjoy.  HAPPY YEAR AND A HALF SCARLET!!!

Daily Routine:
Scarlet is very ‘by-the-watch’.  We are on a schedule that hasn’t changed much for quite a few months now, but if it’s off by even a half hour or so, I can really feel the fussy come out of her.  She wakes up at around 7:00 am everyday and we immediately go down in her jammies and housecoat for breakfast.  
We eat, clean up and play till around 8:00 am and then head upstairs to get ready for the day.  If we don’t have a playdate, we go to the mall, library or park till lunch at 11:00 am.  She goes down for her nap at around 12:15 and sleeps for approximately 2-2.5 hours each day.  Then we play some more - usually just in the backyard or in the playroom depending on the weather and Daddy gets home at around 4 ish so he takes over and I start to prep dinner.  At 5:00 pm we all sit down as a family (which is actually really important to me to do daily since I grew up doing this) and then we usually go for a long walk around the wetlands of our home or if it’s really nice, we’ll go to Fish Creek Park or the beach.  Scarlet takes her bath when we return home (Daddy does this), and then we put her to bed at around 7:30 pm.  We read before bed - both at nap and in the evening.


  It suits our family really well, because then Nate and I get Mommy/Daddy time till we go to bed at around 11pm which is just so nice.  

Scarlet is starting to exhibit some picky eating habits.  She always used to be a great eater and people would always comment on how lucky we were to have that, but lately she will take bites and make a face and then spit out her food!  I was so shocked when this first started to happen, but now I’m just trying to stay calm when she does it and try to understand that I too don’t like everything that is ever presented to me either.  I usually do try to find something healthy to replace what she has refused, but I don’t go overboard.  If she’s not into it, she’s just not into it and we can try again next snack or meal.  

Clothing Sizes:
Scarly is very petite but quite tall, in fact I still have a 3-6 month sweater from Mexx that she can easily fit into!  HAHA.  But typically her clothing size is a 9-12 month size.  She is tiny so pants are usually a 12 month size at the most.  Each store is a bit different so it makes for lot’s and lot’s of fun shopping!

She kept saying; "Djadju? Djadju?", (which means Grandpa in Polish) over and over again.  


Probably the largest milestone that I’ve noticed in Scarlet is her vocabulary.  It’s incredible to hear new words on a daily basis.  I think it’s all of the reading that we do - if I’m being honest, we read about ten books throughout the day, everyday.  I also have to mention that I think there is a positive when it comes to toddlers watching t.v.  I have noticed that certain shows are GENIUS when it comes to learning.  In fact, I have no doubt that she has picked up words straight from the boob tube and I don’t have ANY qualms or guilt about that.  For the record, I do limit her screen time to about half an hour tops per day (if that) and I’m very selective about what is on during that time.

She says these words:
Nana (Banana)
Gigi (Grandma)
Dow Pee (Down Please - says this when she’s done eating)
Ugh Oh
DjaDju (Grandpa)
Hello (but it’s more like Heywo)
Peas (Please)

I know I’m probably missing a few…

Scarlet started walking at around 12 and a half months but is now so confident and eager to get out and about.  She is running and learning how to jump off of two feet when she’s really excited.  She dances (constantly, and even with no music which had me wondering) and spins around and around and around when she’s really into a song.  She also does these cute ‘salsa hips’.  We were at a party and Scarlet was hamming it up and choosing to be the centre of attention with all these adults and little kids watching her go bananas.  She was doing her little salsa moves and some of the moms were saying they had never seen such rhythm.  One Dad said that it totally just made his day.  It’s not the typical shake your bottom from side to side like you see other toddlers doing, her hips actually do a figure eight in a consistent motion over and over again and her legs are like two little wet noodles.  I don’t know where she learned it or picked it up, but the three of us do have family dance parties a lot, so maybe she saw Daddy doing it.  

There is no shy-gal here.  Quite the opposite in fact.  Scarlet will run up to other kids and adults and want to say hi or give them a hug or kiss.  It makes it somewhat awkward at times because my daughter literally wants to be absolutely everyone’s best friend, but at the same time I do love watching her put smiles on peoples faces.  We’re going to definitely have to talk about Stranger Danger in the near future though.  


I really only allow her to watch certain shows on t.v mainly because some of them just annoy the crap out of me or they’re just dribble and she’s not getting ANYTHING from them.

#1 Her ultimate favourite is Bubble Guppies which is a sweet little program that asks the kids questions about what they’ve just saw and then pauses so that the kid can process and consider what the answer might be without always being told.  It’s also got some cute songs and characters on there.

#2 is Sesame Street.  I LOVE this program.  I grew up with it too and although they didn’t have all of the same characters or the same format that they do now, it is still one of the most educational shows out there for kids!  Watch it if you haven’t seen it lately, you’ll be surprised.  I love that they have a daily word (today’s was DISAPPOINTED) and a daily number that they loop back into the various scenes.  It’s consistantly a solid show and I give it up to them.

#3 Max and Ruby
This show won some prestigious award for Children’s programming.  It’s all about a little bunny girl and her younger bunny brother (who is a bit of a handful) and the daily lessons that they learn together.  Very tame and sweet.

Bonus: Super WHY!  All about reading, letters and words.  Very educational and I've noticed she can sit through about 20 min tops right now.  

Kids programs that I DO NOT let Scarlet watch are:

Toopy and Bino - Way too annoying for mommy
Caillou - mostly because I can’t stand his whiny voice and bad attitude (he says NO! to his parents all the time and they totally take it)
Big big Friend - we used to LOVE this one and then the little girl (I think it’s Lily) started to get really lippy and bossy.  I didn’t want Scarlet taking on Lippy Lily’s behaviour so we don’t really go there anymore. 

Her favourite food is probably Avocado.  WHO HOO!  She loves spaghetti and meat sauce (really any type of pasta and sauce) and just adores any fruit that you put in front of her.  She’s not a fan of tuna (which is weird to me) and doesn’t love carrots surprisingly enough.  She happily still eats all other veggies though so I’m not too concerned about the carrot thing.

Besides Nate and I who are OBVIOUSLY her favourites (hehe), she is in LOVE with both of her Grandmas.  She just gets so excited and crazy when either one of them comes over.  It’s so funny watching her react whenever the doorbell rings.  She loves her Grandpas too. 

Little Present for my special girl:

What a better way to enter into your 1.5 year old birthday than to receive a Toilet?!  That’s where we’re headed!  POTTY-TRAINING-VILLE!  Here is a little gift that I plan on giving Scar tomorrow morning and we’re going to start the process this week!  Although, in all honestly, she has been ‘training’ for a little while now.  She follows me into the bathroom when I have to go #1 and we talk about what is going on, what Mommy is doing, where to wipe the ‘flower’ and how to flush.  It’s all really cute and fun but I know that this next stage will be messy and frustrating.  But we have about six weeks of solid potty exercise before her brother arrives so we’ll do our best.  

Tee hee hee!

There it is!  Scarlet's one and a half year update.  So nuts.  But everyday that she gets a little older is ok by me as independence and growth is going to be really really important for us with a newborn on the way.  EXCITING!


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