Oct 8, 2014

34 weeks pregnant!

Weekly Update

How far along are you?
34 weeks!  That’s like 43 days till the due date!!!

How are you feeling?
So big.  So so so big.  AND, to top it off, I officially had the worst comment ever this week from a MALE!  It was so bizarre because as I said in the last pregnancy weekly update that I have only ever received comments from women.  Well, that has officially changed.  
Nate and I went to a wedding on Saturday and I know that the person that said this to me had had more than a few drinks in him, but he came right up to the group that Nate and I were standing in, looked directly at me, cut off the person that we were all listening to and said loud and clear; 

‘So Kate, are you pregnant or just fat?!’

Initially, I wasn’t offended at all, in fact I laughed out loud (along with a few other people) and then said back to him, 

‘Well, honestly, a lot of both’

in the happiest go-lucky way that I could.  Thankfully, the entire group laughed out loud so I guess I kinda saved us all some embarrassment.  Nate pushed his hand into the small of my back which I know meant ‘Are you ok and do you want to get out of here?’ without saying anything, but I grabbed his hand back and squeezed it hard which meant ‘no, I’m good to hang around a little longer’.
This guy wasn’t going to win.

But then I went home and thought a bit more about it and even as I type this I get a little bit red in the face with anger.  I mean, that was rude.  Rude and mean.  Yes he was drunk, yes he was TRYING to be funny but still, it hurt and at a pregnant woman’s expense. 

For the record, this GENTLEMEN (ha) is recently divorced and now I have a better understanding as to why that is.  Also, he was looking at my breasts for almost the entire time we were all standing there.  It was so obvious and uncomfortable.  So, I hope I’m painting a fairly detailed and accurate picture of the guy for you.  I politely said to Nate that I needed another soda water and we left the group after about five minutes.  But man, sometime you just have to laugh.  I would hate to hear what he said to his ex-wife when she was pregnant with their kids…

Any weight gain? 
1 pound this week for a total of 24 pounds putting me at 139

New symptoms?
Nothing to note really except for the same old things - itchy skin, heartburn etc.

General mood?
Eager, slightly moody, anxious about the unknown but overall pretty happy.

 Boy, and he’s still breech the little hooligan.

What foods are you craving?
  Salty still. 

  Do you miss anything?
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again.  Stomach sleeping.  I feel like every week gets a little bit more uncomfortable in bed as well as sitting and standing.  It’s just a lot of extra weight to carry around.

Not great but I nap most days so that’s helpful.

Working out?  
I did legs yesterday!  After my shower when I was blow-drying my hair I did squats and lunges.  It was great and I kept thinking this is like strapping a 25 pound weight to my torso at the gym and doing my exercises!  I’ll probably try to do that more often.

Best moment this week? 
Getting my hair done and then shopping afterwards.  Nate offered to give me basically the entire afternoon to get some stuff done and organized for baby boy including the purchase of a hospital bag!  I'll do a post about what I'm packing really soon.

What are you excited about?

One more of us at the wedding.  


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