Oct 22, 2014

36 weeks pregnant

Weekly Pregnancy Update

How far along are you?
36 weeks!

How are you feeling?
Anxious.  I had a doc appointment and he’s still breech.  Only 4% of babies end up breech at full term so already he’s already hitting some rare milestones haha.  I’m really praying that I can embrace and be somewhat OK with a c-section.  I know there are benefits and I’m focusing on those.  
As far as a breech delivery, there seems to be too many risks for me.  When my doc was discussing it, she mentioned the word ‘death’ about three times.  Death to me, death to the baby or Death to both.  I know that death is a risk with anything (even getting into your car to get a peppermint latte), but I’m trying to lessen the amount of times I have to worry about it.  With a breech delivery it seems there are so many things that can appear to be going ‘right’ and then wammo - the head gets stuck and a nurse has to push the baby BACK through the birth canal to do an emergency c-section.  Ummm, thanks but no.  There are also many boxes that you and the baby have to be able to check off to deliver breech - the baby has to be a certain weight, he has to be a Frank Breech vs. Footling, he has to have a ‘flexed’ neck, so to wait to see if he meets all of this criteria and get to 40 or 41 weeks only to discover I need a c-section would be pretty devastating.  
So, happily I think we’ll book a date and I get to pick it!  Positive number one ;)

Any weight gain? 
1 pound this week for a total of 26 pounds putting me at 141

New symptoms?
Swollen EVERYTHING.  Face, hands, feet.  I have it all.  I just started to take Epsom Salt baths at night and that seems to help reduce the swelling but MAN!  Major puff ball here.
I’m also feeling the hormones kick in, I’m overly emotional.  I know that certain things really don’t matter but I make them a HUGE deal.  
NESTING!!!  I have been cleaning cleaning cleaning - even before the cleaners arrive and then immediately afterwards.  It’s bizarre.  I know things are clean but I just can’t help myself.  I feel like we have the most important and special little person coming into our home and I want things to be spotless and dust free for him - and organized.  I’m even eager to get rid of our cat so that we have less stray fur hanging around.  It’s that serious.  I was like this with Scarlet too so I know it won’t go on for too much longer once he’s arrived haha.  Sleep will be the priority.  

General mood?
Pretty good.  Quite happy I must say.  Weather is amazing so that really helps.  It was 17 degrees the other day in the afternoon!  So nice.


What foods are you craving?
Toasties and Lattes but not together.

  Do you miss anything?
Wine and black coffee, but not together.

Better this week.  I tried to skip a few naps during the day and I find that I sleep much better at night if I can hold out until 10 or 11pm.

Working out?  
Zilch.  I was watching DWTS and it got me soooooooo excited to get back to the gym.  Those girls are just so smoking’ hot.  Nate and I are TOTALLY taking lessons after this boy is born!  Also, Biggest Loser is PVR’d and I know I’m such a sucker for this type of show but I love it because it gets me so pumped to lose the baby weight.  I know I’ll be out for at least 4 or 5 weeks postpartum, but after that, it’s going to be money.

Best moment this week? 
We were offered a date night from my Mother-in-law so we jumped at the opportunity.  We saw Dracula Untold which was pretty good but I felt like a total grandma!!!  First, I thought the movie was way too loud - I actually plugged my ears at points.  Then when I went to the washroom I wanted to speak with the manager about the state of that the ladies room!  Toilet paper everywhere except for the proper spot, fruit flies flying around in the stalls, soap and water splattered all of the countertops and mirrors, no paper towels, it even smelled like vomit in one of the bins!  Nasty.  Finally, I wanted to complain about one of the staff members coming in about every 15 to 20 minutes to check a little box at the front of the theatre with his blaring bright light.  Totally distracting.  Nate said it’s because they have to do ‘checks’ in the theatres now because of the unfortunate movie theatre shootings.  This, I understand, but why not put the box somewhere else in the theatre?  Perhaps at the back?   Also, it wasn’t like the staff member was actually doing anything.  He wasn’t even checking or scanning the theatre - he just walked in, opened the box, turned on the bright blue/white light and walked out.  All underneath the screen.  Awesome.  But other than all of that, it was really a fun night out haha!

What are you excited about?
Halloween.  Picking a due date.  Finishing decorating the new nursery and the house for Halloween (more pics soon I promise) and a playdate again this week with my bestie and her boys!


p.s  Maternity clothes details are in 'Style'

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