Oct 26, 2014

Famjam of four sooner than expected?

Our soon-to-be family of FOUR!  I had to acknowledge our sweet little guy in our pumpkin set-up this year even though it will still be a few weeks before we meet him.  I can’t wait to carve these guys!  From left to right it's Dada, Scarlet, Momma and baby boy aka:

 Count Dracudada, The Pumpkin Princess, Mummy Pumpkin (kinda looks like I had plastic surgery though) and The Baby Bumpkin (soother included).  

So, something surprising that I learned over the last few weeks is that doctors schedule c-sections during week 38ish which means we are now 2 weeks closer to a due date than we initially thought!  Ummmm, ok yowza.

Our nursery is JUST done (hallelujah) but there are still about a billion other things I wish I could have or find the time for!  Like, omg… CHRISTMAS!




But there is always online shopping so that problem is solved, right?  Oh, and we’re hosting Xmas this year so there's that...  AM I CRAZY?!  Short answer - yes.  But, we’ll make due because this will also act as a meet the baby boy day so really I’ll be killing two birds (as violent as that is).  Right?  Please just say yes…

Anywho, it looks like we’re planning for the c-section which is both terrifying and a huge relief.  Even after trying moxibustion (a Eastern medicine technique to try to flip the baby), acupuncture and daily various positions that give me wicked headaches because the blood is rushing to my head - he's just not willing to turn.  Takes after his stubborn mommy I guess?

But, happily I'm able to take my mind off of that because so many other things need to get done.  Like, Halloween and all that jazz, and I just need to design, set-up, shoot and order newborn photos of my kids, send those out to relatives around the world, decorate the house for Xmas after taking down Halloween, buy gifts, wrap them, send those off, bake, cook, clean, host Christmas day…kay stressing again.  ARGH!!!  But seriously, it’s going to be ok.  I know it.  Oh, and we still have to lock down a name which changes almost EVERY SINGLE DAY!  At least it’s just between two firsts and two middles.  And so finally, I wanted to say that the blog may be a little bit abandoned for the next while since I’ll probably be recovering and dealing with the former.  But in the meantime there are some really cute pics of what the house has been looking like in the ‘Home’ section for the month of October.   

Thanks friends and enjoy!  Have a very happy and safe Halloween!


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