Jul 16, 2014

22 Weeks Pregnant

Weekly Pregnancy Update

How far along are you?
22 weeks

How are you feeling?
Better - definitely more and more positive as each passing day is a good thing and that much further along if anything were to happen.

Any weight gain? 
1 pound gained for a total of 10 pounds putting me at 125.

New symptoms?
Crazy itchy belly which I’m excited about because it means my skin is stretching and he’s growing!  Also, lightening crotch.  This was a phenomenon that I had only ever heard about and never experienced with Scarlet’s pregnancy but it is no joke!  It feels like (and stop reading if you don’t want to know) but it feels like someone is taking a pin and pricking your cervix for a split second and then it goes away.  Last night it was on and off for about 10 minutes and I was dying!  After doing a little research about it, I learned that the babe is pushing on a nerve and causing this really bizarre sensation.  Super trippy!

General mood?
Less of a roller coaster this week.  My mood is definitely turning around into something happier again.

It’s a BOY!  

What foods are you craving?
I wanted Viet this week and Thai.  Still salty I guess.

  Do you miss anything?
I miss my alone time with Scar.  NOT THAT I DON’T APPRECIATE THE HELP FROM ALL OF THOSE THAT HAVE COME OVER TO BE HERE!  I want to make that totally clear, but we’ve just hired a Nanny to come in for a few days a week as well, and she’s INCREDIBLE, but I just do really miss the her and me alone time.  Right now, I just can’t take complete care of her while on bed rest so everyone and their dog has been over to help out.  It’s been really nice, but I’m looking forward to mommy-dots alone time again.

Not great.  I’ve been having a hard time falling asleep.  My mind just doesn’t want to stop thinking about all of this as hard as I try to.  Journalling, talking and praying help but after all of that is done, I’m still left with a few of my fears trickling in here and there.

Working out?

Best moment this week?
 There are surprisingly lots!  My best friend in the WHOLE WORLD came over one day and spent the entire morn and afternoon by my side just laughing and talking and we listened to music. NO KIDS EITHER!  It was like we were in high school again.  She also brought over dinner which was the best!  BFFs are lifesavers.
Also, going to the hospital for an appointment was really great as well because they sent me home again ;)  Meaning, I didn’t have to stay there on bed rest (which would be awful).  
It was also our anniversary which was very special too.  We are celebrating tomorrow night - we have someone watching Scar so it will just be us two out on the town.

What are you excited about?
Getting another week out of the way.


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