May 23, 2014

What does our day look like?

It’s not always like this, but for the most part our day usually looks a lot like this unless we’re running errands, out with friends or over at Grandma and Dziadzu’s (Grandpa’s) for the day.

7:30am We wake up.  Well, Mommy wakes up.  Daddy has long gone off to work (he's very ambitious - I love it) and Scar has been up since about 7:00 but she just plays in her crib and talks to herself until I come and take her down for breakfast.

7:45am We eat!  I don’t know how others have the strength to get dressed and do their hair or makeup before breakfast - that blows my mind!  I would totally and completely pass out if I didn’t eat within a few minutes of getting up.  I can barely get Scarly’s breakfast together before I start feeling faint haha.  But I put hers together first (Oatmeal, banana, water) and then I get mine together in between her bites.  We eat together until around 8:15am

8:30am I clean up.  This is surprisingly a big task because Scarlet is dying to get out of her highchair and I’m dying to get the kitchen clean.  We have a really cool dance routine at this point.  Scarlet is getting into absolutely everything and I’m picking up, wiping, cleaning off, scrubbing in between watching her, running over and grabbing the cat fuzz out of mouth and then running to put the milk back in the fridge.  It’s a workout - no lie.

9:00am This is a bit different everyday.  Sometimes we go upstairs and we get changed.  Depending on the weather it can be a big task but if it’s nice, this can be really quick.  Then I try to do my hair and make-up…TRY is the operative word.  

9:45am At this point unless we have a playdate or groceries or shopping ;) we try to get outside for a walk or the park.  

11:00am LUNCH!  Scar is just like her Mommy in the eating department.  Even if it’s 1 minute past eleven she will let me know she’s out of control hungry.  I’ve tried to push her to 1130, even 1115 but she can not take it.  haha.  Apple doesn’t fall too far from the tree.

11:45am Clean up.  We do our little dance again.

12:00pm Piano, Reading, or Spanish!  ok let me explain.  Piano is more like Scarlet banging on the keys.  I wish I could get some practicing in, but it’s just not possible with her on my lap.  Reading - I read at least five or six books to Scar per day.  They’re board books and the pictures are huge so it’s not like they’re novels or anything.  Many of these books occur before nap.  Spanish?  We watch Spanish Dora, so yah, that counts as Spanish.  I get in a little practice and she gets some too.  

12:30pm NAP TIME!!!
Scar sleeps for 2 or 2.5 hours and this is when I either nap, do laundry, clean, call my girlfriends, edit and write posts, take pics and just chill if I can.  

2:30pm Snack
Scarly wakes up between now and 3ish so she’s pretty famished.  I am too!  We usually share a Larabar and some crackers and she has a big bottle of whole organic milk with banana blended in.  

3:30pm Play time
We usually like to practice walking, talking, colouring, exploring etc and it either happens upstairs in the playroom or outside if it’s a nice day.  If it’s raining, I’m not at all against watching a little t.v like PBS for kids, Treehouse or Sesame Street.

4:15pm ish DADDY GETS HOME!!!
It’s so funny.  Scarlet goes nuts, Milo goes nuts, I go nuts.  We all vie for his attention.  It’s actually hilarious to watch.  We’re so lucky that Nate has worked his butt off to be able to leave his company work when he feels like there has been enough done in the day.  Granted he starts earlier than a mo-fo but that way he can come home before nasty traffic.

4:45pm Either I or Nate start cooking dinner.  It has been easier to plan ahead and follow a food calendar - there where a few days that we were just going WHAT DO WE EAT TONIGHT!?!?  So on Monday’s we sit down and plan out Mon-Sun for the week.  Just better this way.

6:00pm Clean up.  It’s so much easier with Nate at home.  I’m so lucky.

6:30pm Family time.  We usually hang out by going outside or giving Scarly a bath or just having some cuddles and tickles.  

7:30pm BEDTIME!
Nate puts Scarlet down every night.  It’s a chance for them to have some quiet time together and some stories and I get a nice break before Mommy and Daddy time.  He does her bath, her lotion, her diaper and onesie change, her teeth brushing, her hair combing, her stories and her cuddles before putting her down.  

7:45pm Kate and Nate feel like they’re on a date.
This is the best time.  Nate and I always give each other back rubs while watching things like Game of Thrones or Heros.  We love this time.  

9:30-11:00pm We then retire to the bedroom and talk for a while before bed.  Ok, make that a long time, we’ve been known to talk well into the wee wee hours of the morning and then force ourselves to turn the lights off and go to bed.  haha.  Even then I blurt out things in the darkness and he rolls over and squeezes me and tells me to go to sleep.  I can't help it though - I feel like I still can't get enough time with him.  XOXO  What do you talk about when you’ve been married for seven and together for ten?  That’s a whole other blog post.

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