May 17, 2014

Fun on Instagram

Pretty cool

I know this isn’t a huge deal but I just wanted to share this and get a little more pumped about another one of my photos being featured on an Instagram account called mom_hub!  There isn’t any prize or huge credit, but a few days ago, another one of my pictures was chosen!  Many pics are submitted in hashtag forum and then get collaged within a grid for everyone of mom_hub's users to see - and they have over 5,000 followers!  I guess I’m stoked cause I do love photography but I'm a total chicken when it comes to starting a business or company of any sort until there is a little more experience under my belt.  I'm still getting used to my camera!  We’ll see what the future holds, but for now this is just kinda rad.  My pic is top left and is a shot of Nate and his best bud Matt up at the cabin last summer.

This other one was taken by a photographer named Kelly Issak and it too has been featured.  Kelly gets about a gazillion hits and likes on her pictures because she’s a one of a kind photographer - extraordinary!  I hope to be as unique and talented as her one day.  If you have Instagram and want to check out her gallery, her username is kgisaak 

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