May 1, 2014

30 Blogging Challenge

30 Blogging Challenge

These questionnaires were so fun to answer back in the day.  I thought I might do one just to reminisce a bit.

1. Your Blog’s Name
The Weil Deal

2. 20 Facts about you
-I love Sushi
-I love working out
-My favourite season is summer
-I have been married for 7 and with him for 10 years
-I met my husband in Jr.High
-We ‘re-met’ at the Stampede by my best friend when we were at a club
-My first dozen roses ever where from Nate in Grade 9
-I would love three or four biological kids and one or two adopted.  
-I have a cat named Milo
-20 facts is a lot by the way
-ummm, I can play the piano
-I’m a dancer
-I love it when my house is super clean and tidy
-I have been to Asia three times
-Europe lot’s too
-I have always loved to travel and will continue to do it with my hubby and kiddos
-Sailed on a 44 foot boat for a year in the caribbean with my husband
-I thought it would be a Vogue cover spread - it wasn’t
-I’m a high school teacher but a mom first
-I love life

3. Your favourite quote
If you always do what you’ve always done, you’ll always be what you’ve always been.
(One of my students shared this with me and I've never forgotten it.  Not sure if she is the author but it stuck).

4. Your Dream Job
There was a t.v show with a lady who travelled the world and visited various world class spas.  She had the treatments (probably for free) and just enjoyed her life everyday.  That would be pretty awesome.

5. Your proudest moment
Tough one.  Besides having my first child naturally and maintaining a wonderful marriage, it was probably when I received my university transcripts with a 4.0 average.  I know - I don’t know how I did it either.

6.What are you afraid of
Elevators.  I’ve been stuck in two separate elevators in my lifetime.  Terrifying.
Also, Zombies.

7. Your 5 Favourite Songs
- Fields of Gold - Sting
- All Eyes on You - St.Lucia
- Pull My Heart Away - Jack Penate
- Chopin’s Raindrop Prelude in D flat Major
- Absolutely anything sung or composed by Eric Clapton

8. 5 Current Goals
-Put on some healthy pregnancy weight
-Develop backyard
-Develop basement
-Save up for second ‘get-away’ property
-Maintain patience and understand when people who drive me absolutely batty are driving me crazy.

9. What’s in your wallet
Weirdly enough - A bunch of american bills, credit cards, driver’s license, library card, coins and a bunch of blonde bobby pins.

10. Best trip of your life
Anytime we ever travelled to Hawaii.

11.10 Favourite foods
-East Indian
(I’m learning I love ethnic)
-Mom’s banana muffins

12.Favourite Childhood Book
I don’t remember what it was called but there was a little girl named Violet in it and she had her ears pierced

13.What’s inside your fridge
Currently lot’s of leftovers and odd condiments.  Need to go grocery shopping.

14. 3 Healthy Habits
I always exercise (unless I’m in a first trimester of a pregnancy, in which case I’m dead to the world)
I never have and never will smoke or do drugs, like hard core drugs.  I do Advil once in a while.
I wash my hands at least six times a day.

15. Where will you be in 5 years
More kiddos, another pet perhaps, somewhere hot in a second property, still happily married.

16. Thoughts on Education
Passionate about it.  One of the most important things I can give my children besides the necessities of life.  

17. Your favourite Blogs

18. A photograph of yourself
How is this a question?  ok - I’ll get one.

thinking about these questions...

19. Your favourite movie
Girl Interrupted 
or (I know it’s ridiculous but I just love it)
50 First Dates

20. What makes you happy
Christmas, beaches, jokes, family, beaches, exploring, learning, summer, giving gifts, giving in general, the beach at the family cabin, dancing and massages.

21. What makes you sad
The news.

22. Your worst habit
Scratching dry skin when I know I shouldn’t.  

23. If you won the lottery…
I would give each of my family members a large chunk and save the rest for important things, like my favourite charities, the environment, education upgrades and replenishment, education in foreign countries for women, and braces for my kids cause I heard that those can be extremely expensive.

24. What attracts you (in love)
Patience, loyal, level-headed, smart, understanding and a caring heart.  Also a wonderful listener.  Basically everything N-boy is.

25. Your biggest regret
When I spent a large part of my life trying to make a relationship work that I knew at the time was not going to.  I knew it just wasn’t right for me but yet I continue to work at it.  I felt like I wasted a ton of time (like years and years) and energy trying to not ‘fail’ but really it was the best thing to end it.  I regret not trusting myself and having the guts to face the truth.  I’ve learned to listen to my inner self much more.

26. Your hidden talent
I can flip my eyelids inside out and I can see dead people ;)  Also, teenagers seem to love to tell me abso-tootley-everything about their personal lives so I guess I’m someone that the young ins can confide in.  The parent in me comes out but in a good way.

27. What’s in your closet
This is my least favourite question.  Waste of a question.  What’s in my closest?  Duh.  Ok that was mean.  What’s in my closet?  Clothes.

28. Most Embarrassing moment
I used to have a really bad habit of writing reminders on the top of my right hand in dark blue ink pen.  One day I wrote ‘remember third response’ as dark as possible because I had left that assignment at home, and then fell asleep in the library at school.  I woke up late for my next class and was running to get there when I ran into my ex-boyfriend and his new girl.  They were both looking at me really weird, like staring and narrowing their eyes at me.  The conversation was really quick and so uncomfortable.  I went to the washroom afterwards and holy sh*t there was the darkest bold smudged blue pen all across my upper lip like a thick fat blue moustache.  I looked hideous.  HAHAHA!  I’ll never forget that.  oh man this is making me laugh right now.  hehe.

#2 most embarrassing moment
It was my first year teaching at Central Memorial high school in the PVA program.  I was standing on a gigantic theatre stage in front of about 150 grade ten, eleven and twelve students who were sitting quietly in the seats.  I was beside the Costume Designer for the upcoming production that we were performing and she was explaining to the kids how they would each receive a garment bag with their name on it as well as every single solitary costume item that they would be wearing throughout the show.  She turned to me and said;
 'Some people would say that I'm a little bit...anal about these details'
and I said (loud and clear so that everyone could hear me)
 'Oh don't worry Sheila, I LOVE anal'.
There was a weird dead silence for about three seconds and the kids eyes were popping out of their heads.  Then the entire auditorium erupted into the loudest laughter I've ever experienced while on stage.  Years later, students would still come up to me in the hallway and say with a huge grin on their face 'Ms.Weiland, what do you love?'.

FYI - I have about a billion other embarrassing stories.  I should do a post on this.  It's actually wild.

29. A confession
I talk in my sleep and sleep walk a lot.  It’s actually pretty bad.

30. Your hopes for your blog
I’m just having fun with it and I hope others are having a good time reading it.  It would be awesome if someone was able to get some tips, tricks, insight or help from some of the things I write about.  

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