Aug 10, 2014

Taking it right out of me

It's the honest truth - I'm really REALLY good with names.  I don't know why or how it happened, but I can remember names (first, last, middle) of someone that I met two years ago at a party three glasses of wine in.  Yah, I'm that accurate.  Maybe it was all of the years teaching at Fowler with the beautiful but extremely complicated ethnic student names.  Or perhaps it was the one time at Teacher's convention when I sat through a two hour session and all the speaker spoke about was association tricks.  I just don't know, but it's something I take great pride in and get excited about when I see the look on peoples faces when I run into them at the grocery store and say 'HEY!  What's up Sharon Marie Isaacson!?  How's your dog Dexter and cousin Jeremy?'  

That was up until about a week ago when the third trimester of this pregnancy hit.  I've officially become totally dumb.  Like, duuuuuuummmmmmmmmmmmmb.  If you're a teacher and you're reading this, we're talking like code 43.  It's that bad.  My ability to remember names has completely gone straight to the curb.  I couldn't remember my own next door neighbours name.  This is a woman who I've known for two years, has had our family over multiple times for dinner, given Scarlet birthday and Christmas gifts, offered to babysit and be on call for our son's delivery and I see her almost every other day watering her flowers or sweeping her front door stoop.  I can't remember her name?!?!?!

But names (although terrible right now) aren't even the start of it.  I've been so dumb lately that I've put away our remote control in the fridge freezer and once in the dishwasher.  ???  I've gone to Starbucks, ordered a full drink order (snack included) only to drive up to the window and realize my wallet was still at home.  I called Mastercard to dispute an unauthorized charge on my credit card, had it removed, and then the very next day call them again to do the exact same thing that I did the day before!  'Ahh, Ma'am, this charge was removed from your bill less than twenty-four hours ago'.  

And my energy is totally zapped.  The first trimester was bad (don't get me wrong) but this 3rd one pales in comparison when we're talking energy bust.  I don't know why, but Scarlet didn't make me half as tired as this sweet boy.  I'm soooooo zonked!  A few of my girlfriends who have both boys and girls agreed with me that  boys (for some reason or another) take it right out of you when you are pregnant.  I would completely concur.  I know I have a ways to go (hopefully he stays put) and I know the exhaustion will continue when this little prince arrives, but hopefully after he gets here I'll have a few of my abilities return to me.  Preggo brain is hilarious and scary. 

Actually come to think of it, breastfeeding is something that also drains me.  It's like the little babes are sucking the brain cells straight out of your nipples.  Seriously though - it is.  We'll just have to hope that Nate will be able to make up for my fried head for the next little while.  Thank goodness he's on board.

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