Aug 20, 2014

27 weeks pregnant

Weekly Update
Scarlet and I in the haunted House (Prince House) at Heritage Park with Daddy (and baby boy bump).  We're breaking the artifacts rule and playing with the fringe anyway, I mean - who doesn't love fringe on blinds?!  Must touch.  Sorry...

How far along are you?
27 weeks!  

How are you feeling?
Great.  I’m so happy!!!  I love the fact that my little guy is just hanging tight.  I don’t want to jinx anything but I’m thrilled to be coming into week 28 which was my next goal after week 24.  My best friend Jenny who had her first son very early (approx 26 weeks) told me that the nurses in NICU mentioned that if you can make it to 28 weeks the babies do so much better if they are born, so I’m just thrilled.  I also love the continued summer weather.  Summer is my favourite season and I wish it could last forever.

Any weight gain? 
Yuppers.  2 pounds this week for a total of 18 pounds putting me at 133.

New symptoms?
Not new - just more heartburn and I’m having that feeling where it is a little difficult to breathe sometimes since the prince has not yet ‘dropped’ down. After a big meal is the worst so I need to eat smaller amounts more often throughout the day.

General mood?
Really really content with life.
You guessed right - still a boy. ;)

What foods are you craving?
Nothing really this week which is nice.  Maybe it’s because I’ve been nibbling all day and don’t really get a chance to get hungry.

  Do you miss anything?
I miss working out.  I see lot’s of people running around our community and whenever I pass the gym I long for it a bit, but I know there is LOT’S of time for that in the future.  I just kinda miss it now.

I’m up about four (yes four) times in the night to use the restroom and then it’s literally like: DRIP and that’s it!  haha.  So anti-climactic.  He is definitely sitting on my bladder.

Working out?  
Walking and light weights again this week.

Best moment this week? 
When my youngest brother Daniel took me out for a belated birthday lunch and when Nate, Scar, the babe and I went to Heritage Park for the morning as a family.  We have a season pass that we hadn’t used all summer long (I don’t really know why) but then we decided to go and it was so AWESOME!  We are going back and doing the boat ride really soon.  I’ll post pics of the morning.

What are you excited about?
I’m excited about our ‘mother’s helper’ Joti coming over on Thursday.  She is cooking her authentic Butter Chicken for us which is OUT OF THIS WORLD!  I will post pictures of that too in the EATS section.  It’s like: Oh Mah gaaaaaaash good.
I'm also excited about getting into some 'vlogging'.  I've been encouraged by a few girlfriends and subscribers to embrace the whole video post realm.  I think this will save me lot's of time (hopefully) when baby boy arrives and also keep all of my family and friends situated around the world a breast of the latest happenings in our family life.  Stay tuned for some interesting attempts at video posts.


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