Feb 16, 2015

Weekly Update

14 weeks POST-PARTUM

How are you feeling? 

We’re all tired.  

My Nutrition?
It’s good.  I have a treat here and there but I’ve been good.  But I’m tired.  HAHA!

 Any weight loss?
2 pounds this week for a total of 27 pounds putting me at 116.  Finally some progress!  Honestly, I'm basically getting in a little workout at 3:00am every night.  Nursing and then bouncing/rocking Will back to sleep is like going to the gym for an hour.  

Best moment this week?
The 10+ degree weather we have been having here.  It’s basically spring!  Outside living is the best.  I need to move to a beach - and sleep on it.

 How is Scarlet coping?
Really well.  Her only ‘deal’ this week was a cough that she contracted from the floor at the mall.  Goldfish fell and she still ate it.  We’re still working on things like this.

Baby Will?
He’s still feeding every two hours during the day and three - four at night.  Negative: we get very little sleep right now.  Positive: It’s great for my waistline! 

His weight?
 I’m guessing 14 pounds

His disposition?
He’s a sweet little grunter.

What are you looking forward to?
THE BEACH!!!!!!  Countdown is on.  Oh my goodness I can’t wait to feel that sand beneath my toes.  Only two and a half weeks to go and I’ll be in ocean.  

Also, looking forward to the nights I will sleep all the way through from 11pm-7am.  #ineedsleep

Have a fab day friends

Fourth Trimester Rulebook: I will do my best to implement these rules for the next three months.

1. I will be kind to myself, my mental well-being, my body and my heart.

2. I will do my best to let go of the cleanliness of our house.

3. I will ask for help and ask often.

4. I will do my best to sleep or rest when the baby sleeps.

5. I will resist the urge to feel guilty when I am not with Scarlet and Nate.  I will value and cherish my time with sweet baby William. 

6. I will not workout or be physical ;) for at least 6 weeks

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