Jan 4, 2015

Two Months Post-Partum

Two Months Update
Outfit details in 'Style'

How are you feeling?
Sleepy but confident.  I’m learning tricks about how to manage Scarlet and Will’s needs at the same time.  It’s been challenging and I haven’t got it down perfectly yet but we’re all learning together which is good and fun.  Another thing that I’m discovering is that I can really keep my cool when things are going badly -  mainly because I know I can have a glass of wine later on.  

Better and better.  He’s occasionally done a one-waker-upper here and there.  It’s HEAVEN when he only gets up once.  I hope we stay on this path for a while.

My Nutrition?
Can’t lie - hasn’t been great.  It’s whatever is easiest and fastest these days.  I found myself eating sushi rice off of Scarlet’s highchair seat while I was cleaning up because I was so hungry and couldn’t really remember when or what I had eaten last.  Like, wow.  Obviously not totally healthy, but my needs have been coming in last place these days.  These kids are priority.

 Any weight loss?
1 pound lost this week for a total of 22 pounds putting me at 121 which I find a little frustrating.  I know I should be thankful that I can even be loosing while breastfeeding, but I just really want to get back to my pre-pregnancy weight and measurements.  Especially since I’m not pregnant anymore, but I know it takes time.  I have to remember it took me a full six/seven months to get back to my measurements after Scarly was born.  It may be the same or longer with Will.  

Best moment this week?
We went to the mall as a foursome and Nate watched the two babes while I tried on clothes in Zara, TopShop, Banana Republic and Club Monaco!  It was amazing.  I bought some great transitional pieces.  Items that are perfect for getting me from the end of my pregnancy back to my pre-pregnancy size.  These types of things are HARD to find, but I ended up with a few great relaxed and modern tops, a pretty pink sweater and a bunch of different pairs of leggings.  I left the mall feeling confident and that was the best.

 How is Scarlet coping?
Still like an all-star.  This girl is unstoppable and such a light in our eyes.  We couldn’t have asked for an easier transition from one babe to two.  Yup - I’m bragging about her.

Baby Will?
He’s so SMILEY!  It’s crazy.  It was happening so often this week that I actually started to count how many times he made eye contact with me and just started smiling - it was over 10 times in one day!  A lot of you are probably like whoop dee do, but for a two month old, that is fairly unheard of unless they have gas.  It is so amazing.  It’s really the best part of my day.  He gives the biggest open mouth grin I’ve ever seen.  I’m trying so hard to catch it either via video or on camera, but I get into such a trance when he does it for me.  I can’t think about anything else but how adorable he is.  It’s very similar to the pic to the right of these blog posts entitled BIG SMILES - he’s in a grey and white outfit.  

His weight?
We’ve got a doc check-up tomorrow so I’ll have exact numbers after that.  I’m crossing my fingers for that 11 pound mark. AHHHH!

His disposition?
Perfect.  This boy is perfect.  I know I know, I’m the mom - and all mom’s say that about their sons, but seriously, he is perfect.  Ok, you can all barf now.

What are you looking forward to?
More shopping for myself.  Yes - that sounds awful and shallow, but I need it so badly.  I honestly feel like I have been pregnant for forever (I did the math - since conceiving Scarlet, I have been preggers 20 months out of 29 months.  That is 600 out of 870 days friends.  #eff), and all I seem to have in my closet is maternity and/or nursing attire and I’m SOOOO sick of it.  I need a major overhaul and come hell or high water it’s going to happen people.
I’m also looking forward to making a decision about an upcoming vacation with my famjam.  Final decision will be made after figuring out Will’s progress and talking it over fully with Nate after weighing pros and cons.  I already know one of the cons is that not one of us is going to sleep for an entire week if we go because hotels have to be the loudest places on earth at night and during the day when kids take naps, but again, we’ll weigh that against the pros and see.

Fourth Trimester Rulebook: I will do my best to implement these rules for the next three months.

1. I will be kind to myself, my mental well-being, my body and my heart.

2. I will do my best to let go of the cleanliness of our house.

3. I will ask for help and ask often.

4. I will do my best to sleep or rest when the baby sleeps.

5. I will resist the urge to feel guilty when I am not with Scarlet and Nate.  I will value and cherish my time with sweet baby William. 

6. I will not workout or be physical ;) for at least 6 weeks

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