Jan 26, 2015

11 weeks Post-Partum

How are you feeling? 
 Great!  The weather in Calgary is like Spring right now!  A week of 7 degrees or higher and bright blue skies has been lovely, but very unusual for January, so I’m soaking it up.  As far as I’m concerned, it can stay.  It was 15 degrees yesterday!

We had two awesome nights of sleep this week.  Nate and I always talk about how the night went over breakfast.  We discuss it in the morning and twice we both thought that the night was fantastic.  The rest of the nights were ok, but we’ll take what we can get and thankfully there were no ‘bad’ nights.

My Nutrition?
Can I just say how lucky I am to have access to a Sushi restaurant and a Famoso Pizzeria nearby?  After expressing to my sister-in-law that I had a hard time always having to come up with dinner ideas, she suggested having two nights out of the week already planned with take-out.  We gave it a try and it has totally been a lifesaver for us.  Friday night is pizza night (I like the thin-crust prosciutto and arugula pizza) and Saturday is Sushi night.  I popped some pics up in ‘eats’ of our dinner this saturday and it tasted as good as it looks.   

 Any weight loss?
0 pounds this week for a total of 24 pounds keeping me at 119.  

Best moment this week?
WHEN I GOT MY NEW CLOTHES!  If you read last week’s update, I said that I was receiving two larger packages via online shopping (ahem ahem), and they came.  I was so happy to try on all my non-pregnant, non-nursing wear.  I’ll definitely post pictures in ‘Style’ as soon as I get a chance to take some pics.

Also, Nate bought this Snuggy thing for me.  Carrying Will and Scarlet around all day was starting to do a number on my back so this hands free all fabric invention is literally a game-changer.  I wish I had had one for Scar when she was little!  We had the Ergo baby at the time which I really didn't love (you couldn't even sit down in it because of the big band) so this is heavenly.   Here are a few pics of Will and I getting the hang of it.  Don't mind my greasy hair and lack of style - I just wanted to capture a few shots of how amazing this thing is:

Why so serious?
Honestly, I didn't know if the camera was set up and beeping or not.  It captured me staring at the lens  with my resting-bitch-face.  I just got too lazy to take other shots so we're going with these.  HAHA!  


I took another one with a semi-smile.  Clearly I was very tired...

It's called the Baby K-tan and Nate bought me an XS which I freaked out a little bit about thinking I needed a Large (I have a warped body image a bit right now).  But it fits like a glove and Will passes out it it which is amazeballs!

 How is Scarlet coping?
Really well! But unfortunately, she has starting to drop her afternoon nap occasionally.  NOOOOOO!!!!  It happened a few weeks ago.  I thought it might have been because she just wasn’t totally tired, but then she did it again the following week.  Now, it consistently happens once or twice a week and I’m terrified that it will start to be a thing.  (Cue mommy tears…)  Thankfully she is still in her room getting some quiet time in the dark, but I’m honestly a sleep and nap nazi.  When my kids don’t sleep, I stress.  

I have this warped (but somewhat true) notion about kids that don’t get adequate solid sleep during the day and night.  I’ve read research that suggests (but don’t quote me word for word on this) that when babies and toddlers don’t get that deep sleep during the day, they aren’t building brain dendrites and then end up with cognitive disabilities later in life.  When I was teaching, I was CONSTANTLY writing IPP’s (Individualized Program Planning) for kids with cognitive disabilities.  I loved those kids but oh man did they have a rough go at school.  Basic concepts were major challenges for them.  Problem-solving, memory, reading, verbalization turn into daily struggles that would bring kids down.  Not to mention frustration for the parents, teachers and then all this added stress on the student to ‘just get it already’.  So, I’ve got a stigma about sleep.  However, if Scarlet is naturally starting to drop a nap here and there I know it’s not the end of the world.  But man, this momma right here believes in naps for the sanity of us all…

Baby Will?
Here’s a limerick I just made up about him:

There was a new baby who groaned,
and grunted and murmured and moaned.
He rarely complained
but he couldn’t refrain
from continuous sounds he intoned.

HAHA!  Yup - that’s Will, and that’s my creative thing for the day.

His weight?
11 pounds 6 ounces was his last weight measured. 

His disposition?
Curious.  He’s eager to learn.

What are you looking forward to?
Our basement finally getting done.  We are getting carpet as the last item and then I'll be decorating!  We’ll finally FINALLY be done down there.  The basement will include a new media room, a guest bedroom / office, a playroom a bathroom and a storage room.  Can’t wait to take pics of the new space.

Have a happy week everyone!

Fourth Trimester Rulebook: I will do my best to implement these rules for the next three months.

1. I will be kind to myself, my mental well-being, my body and my heart.

2. I will do my best to let go of the cleanliness of our house.

3. I will ask for help and ask often.

4. I will do my best to sleep or rest when the baby sleeps.

5. I will resist the urge to feel guilty when I am not with Scarlet and Nate.  I will value and cherish my time with sweet baby William. 

6. I will not workout or be physical ;) for at least 6 weeks

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