Jan 19, 2015

10 weeks Post-Partum

10 weeks POST-PARTUM

How are you feeling?
 Nate and I are in recovery mode.  We had a brutal 24 hours with Will.  We were encouraged to refrain from nursing him and feed him formula for a full day to get rid of the breast milk jaundice in his system (his levels were still abnormal).  However, Will absolutely hated the formula and missed his mommy and the comfort that comes with nursing.  He screamed (something that he definitely doesn’t do) and cried so hard I thought there was something seriously wrong.  He was backed up and didn’t poop the entire day (poor boy) and it was one of the hardest days and nights I’ve ever had with a baby.  AWFUL!  I don't know how parents with colicky children cope.  Major props to the poor people that have to deal with that 24/7 for months.  I couldn't handle it... The crying and fussiness affected the next day, but thankfully we are finally back on track with Will.  He’s back to being the sweet, loving boy that we know and I’m so happy that nightmare is over with!  Obviously so is Will.

Taken right before bed last night ;)

We're getting a four to five hour stretch at the beginning of the night and then three hours after that.  

My Nutrition?
Can't lie - I drank a fair amount (ahem) on the day that we had such a wicked trial with the formula feeding.  But, it was kinda the time that I was really able to enjoy the dry reds since I wasn't nursing anyway.  It was nice, but I had a bit of a headache the next day.

 Any weight loss?
1 pound lost this week for a total of 24 pounds putting me at 119.  I'll be upping the intensity of my mini workouts because the last five pounds are always the hardest for me.  More on that in the Workout Wednesday Post this week.

Best moment this week?
When Will calmed down after all the madness.  
Second best moment this week was when I got to eat my Mom's cooking on Sunday night at their home and I sat down for I think 20 minutes and ate without getting up.

 How is Scarlet coping?
She's still coping very well but that teething is rough!  She has skipped a few afternoon naps because of it.  But, she is putting words together and creating sentences which is so cute.  She says:  'Brush Mommy's Hair' and runs up to me with her little baby brush.  I let her do it and my hair looks awesome afterwards, and by awesome I mean messier than a robin's nest in april.

Baby Will?
Happily WAYYY better.  Honestly guys, it was awful.  

His weight?
11 pounds 6 ounces!  We’re thrilled about this!  

His disposition?
This kid is a smile machine.  I love it.  He is much more smiley than Scarly was at this age.  I hate to compare the two babies but when it comes to grinning and smiling, Will takes the cake hands down.

What are you looking forward to?
I have two big online shopping shipments coming that are just for me!!!  No baby clothes, no man boxers for Nate, just cute fun clothing for ME!!!  I'm finally down to a reasonable size in terms of my measurements and did a little online order (or two) ;)  I think they will arrive tomorrow!

Have a happy Monday friends!

Fourth Trimester Rulebook: I will do my best to implement these rules for the next three months.

1. I will be kind to myself, my mental well-being, my body and my heart.

2. I will do my best to let go of the cleanliness of our house.

3. I will ask for help and ask often.

4. I will do my best to sleep or rest when the baby sleeps.

5. I will resist the urge to feel guilty when I am not with Scarlet and Nate.  I will value and cherish my time with sweet baby William. 

6. I will not workout or be physical ;) for at least 6 weeks

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