Dec 17, 2014

A Comparison

Natural Vaginal Delivery vs C-section

WOW - what a title.  Didn’t think I’d ever include the ‘V’ word in ANY of my posts.

This blog just got real.

Here are two comparisons of both ways that I’ve delivered babies.  Both have positives, both have negatives and by no means am I writing this to promote one or the other, just simply give an honest account of my experiences in pretty Christmas colours!  (Green = good, red = not so much).  One thing is for sure, I don’t know that any part of my kids deliveries were alike.  

Natural Vaginal Delivery
Planned C-Section
Pain During Birth

The ‘pain’ was obvious, but doable.  I like to repeat what a girlfriend told me - intense but manageable.

IV pain, epidural and spinal ‘pokes’. Minimal pain for C-section but worst head/brain pain of my life when I was issued blood pressure meds during the section - yes this head pain was worse than natural childbirth.
Pain Post Birth

I needed stitches after delivering Scarlet and I re-tore running to the crib when I thought she was choking. Pain post birth was difficult.

 Constant random stabbing, throbbing, dull and achy pains.

Mental State

I had normal new parent worries but that’s about it.
Not good.  Re-living moments in the operating room, the ER and doc appointments have haunted me for a while.
Recovery Time

4-5 weeks
6 weeks - with a toddler this feels like forever.

4-5 weeks
3-4 weeks

Scar’s delivery:
No idea what day she would arrive
(One week past due date)
Middle of the night: 2:37 am
Super convenient.  Picked the date, got child care, was able to ‘prepare’ - 11:15 am excellent.
Meds During

Epi, Spinal, IV, various hints from anestheseologist (how the heck do you spell that word?)
Post Birth Meds

Stool softener
Percocet, Oxycodone, Acetaminophen, Extra strength Tylenol, Tylenol, Stool Softener

I'll also mention that nursing was somewhat effected this second time around.  When the uterus contracts it also stimulates milk production and when the baby is 'air lifted' right out of the body, it doesn't really get that chance.  But I'm happy to report that we're all good now.  Milk and milk production are not issues thankfully.

So there it is.  The gory and honest facts about Vag vs. Section.  If we ever (and I can't even believe I'm saying this) decide to have another babe, the delivery would be one thing that I would have to think LOOOOOONG and hard about.  But we're not there right now, and I'm just happy we've made it out alive for this one.



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