Dec 29, 2014

7 weeks post partum


How are you feeling?
Happy and a little tired.  Hosting Xmas was super exhausting but worth it.  Nate and I agreed that we would absolutely do it again.  Pics soon!

Will is giving us four hour stretches at night so that is really nice.  Occasionally he is hard to get back to sleep after a feed but Nate and I tap each other out if it’s going on for too long so at least one of us can get that extra bit of rest.

My Nutrition?
Christmas…the only time I’ve really ever been known to put on a few pounds during the season because of all the incredible delicious, nutritious and not so nutritious food.  But because of breastfeeding that didn’t occur this year.  Regardless, my nutrition was both healthy and very unhealthy this week.  Hello butter in CHRISTMAS WIFESAVER.

 Any weight loss?
1 pound lost this week for a total of 21 pounds putting me at 122

Best moment this week?
Besides the obvious (CHRISTMAS), the best moment this week was watching Scarlet open her first gift on Christmas Eve.  We were all at my parents house and my brother Paul’s girlfriend bought her Minnie Mouse and her reaction was priceless.
It was so adorable to see because last year she was too young to really understand giving and receiving and even opening gifts so this one was really special and lovely.

 How is Scarlet coping?
Fabulously.  That’s a word right?

Baby Will?
Fantastically.  That’s definitely a word.

His weight?
I’m longing for the day he reaches 11 pds as he’ll have doubled his birth weight.  There are very positive changes in babies when they get to that point (less nursing during the night, more predictable nap routine, etc).  Once he gets to this point we’ll make a family decision about whether or not we go to Mexico in Feb with my side.  It would be amazing but we want to strongly consider both positives and negatives of travel with two under two.

His disposition?
He’s totally beginning to engage in everyday activities.  He LOVES his sister and smiles when she’s near or talks to him. Check out these two pics of Will admiring Scarlet during our Xmas family pic section.  This is when he’s just 5 weeks old!!!

We ended up changing Will into these navy blue pants after a little poop made a smelly entrance but luckily got our shot in his cute black pants.

What are you looking forward to?
The other day one of my girlfriends invited me to dinner and then to go see the Ballet afterwards!!!  JUST SHE AND I!  She has three kids so this is like an epic game changer for us - the thought of this night sans kiddos will keep us both plugging through the long days for weeks!  I’m already looking forward to it and already planning my outfit.  

Pics of Dec will be up in 'Home' if you are interested ;)


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