Dec 8, 2014

1 Month Post-Partum!


How are you feeling?
Everyday I feel more capable and confident - it doesn’t hurt that my Mom is basically LIVING with us at this point (which is the best ever), and it’s also really wonderful that Nate has taken almost this entire month off work to help out with my recovery and settling in with two under two.  So things are feeling manageable.  I have to say, I don't know how single moms out there do it.  Major heroes in my books.

Is both good and bad.  Luckily, I nap most days for about a half an hour.  It’s tricky getting the kids down at the same time but it does happen occasionally, it’s just a small window.  Nights have become party time for Will.  He literally sleeps all day and parties all night.  Nate and I are always invited to his parties but I’d really like to decline next time and tell him that nights are for SLEEPING!  haha.  I’ve read that prolactin is produced in my breast milk at this time so it’s like he can smell an all night Vegas buffet (and it’s free). 

My Nutrition?
Pretty good.  Eating well and feeling hungry all the time.  

Any weight loss?
1 pound loss this week for a total of 18 pds putting me at 125.

Best moment this week?
There were a few.
Spending an early Xmas with my side of the fam.  My very busy brother Ted (he’s a med school student) was in Calgary with his wife Laura and their son Charlie (my amazing little nephew who will be Will's future B.F.F). It was so good to see them.
When Will went to the doc and got weighed! (see below)  
Getting some Xmas shopping done online and shopping for me too!  My wardrobe is totally up in arms right now - I feel like I've been every size and shape over the last year so I'm looking forward to getting some pre-pregnancy clothing in the mix.

How is Scarlet coping?
Still really well.  I noticed that when I go into her room to pick her up from a nap or her night sleep she needs to see just me without a baby in my arms or she gets confused and cries a little. 

Baby Will?
Oh my goodness the love I have for this soul!  He is absolutely a momma’s boy already.  He’ll moan or groan in others arms and then I'll take him and he'll be as content as ever.  It’s so nice!!!  I feel like he thinks I’m the bomb - but really it’s probably just my massive lady twins that he smells or feels.  Haha!

1 month of Kisses!  They say "It's a Boy" on them! A gift from a girlfriend! #idied

His weight?
8 pds 4 oz!  YAYYYYY!  

His disposition?
Still honeymoon phase so he’s basically still the perfect baby but he is begin to start to groan and fuss when he’s hungry.   I don’t want to jinx anything by saying this but he cries very rarely - still just groaning which is nice…

What are you looking forward to?
and sleeping on my stomach.


Fourth Trimester Rulebook: I will do my best to implement these rules for the next three months.

1. I will be kind to myself, my mental well-being, my body and my heart.

2. I will do my best to let go of the cleanliness of our house.

3. I will ask for help and ask often.

4. I will do my best to sleep or rest when the baby sleeps.

5. I will resist the urge to feel guilty when I am not with Scarlet and Nate.  I will value and cherish my time with sweet baby William. 

6. I will not workout or be physical ;) for at least 6 weeks

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