Aug 20, 2009

House . Updates

Week . 4

(Aug 14th - Aug 20th)


I'll be the first to admit that within the first month of house renovations, the Princess has once again reared her ugly monster head. It's time to be open and honest about her presence and 

fully accept that she's not meant to do this 

sort of work.  Yeah, yeah, I can hear the collaborative 'duh Kate' resonating in 

my very eardrums; but seriously, I try and try to make this 'handywoman' side of 

me happen, but She keeps sneaking back.  I just can't seem to kill her!  

Die woman...DIE!!!  

I'll give you a small example of the 'ego' that I'm dealing with, and this time I was 

able to silence the brat thanks to the help of Eckhart Tolle.  Yesterday, I finished 

my job of filling every nail hole in every casing, door header, base board etc that 

needed it throughout the entire house.  Then, once dry, I sanded them all down 

to a flat smooth surface.  I liked the job because I felt it was intricate and detail me!  So when I was done, I asked Nate to give me a task similar to 

that of the first.  My 'new' job was to fill all the gaps between each adjoining piece 

of wood around in inside all of the doors by using my fingers to smooth it out and 

then wipe it down with a cloth.  However, Princess Fancy Pants started to 

discover that all of the goop that she's pushing into the cracks was getting under 

her long beautiful nails.  So, she did what she does best and she started to quietly 

complain. 'This feels disgusting and the filler is drying out my nails which I just 

know will break them all off.'  Then she started getting visions of stubby broken 

fingernails and gorgeous door hinges.  Oh man, here we go...  

At this point, I'm fully aware that the monster is present and has started to get 

grumpy so I try to completely ignore her.  I just keep going.  I work for another 

two, maybe three minutes when she starts speaking louder; 'This is lame Kate.  

Can't you pay somebody else to do this?  Wouldn't you rather be shopping right 

now?  You do need furniture you know.  Don't you deserve a break?'  'OK 

MISSY!  Yes I want a break but I'm sticking this out cause you're annoying and 

your setting me back from the house that I want, so shut it Prima Donna!!!'  

And then, I just kept going.  It was great.  She didn't say much afterwards and 

when she did, I said 'Nope, Stop it.  You're done girl'.  Thanks Eckhart ;)

Other updates (besides me killing a part of my ego) include hanging the skeleton 

boxes of the kitchen cabinets, building and installing the kid bathroom counter 

top and completing all of the wood work throughout the house.  All of the latter 

was of course done by Nate but I was there verbally supporting his every move.  

Hey, beside every successful super-husband is a supportive wife.    

(skeleton cabinets that Nate made) (MUM and Nate - awe)

(driving home after a long day of work)

1 comment:

AlannahLeigh said...

I LOVE Eckhart Tolle...his voice cracks me up lol.