May 14, 2016

OOTD #14

As you can see - it’s been a day.  

Travelling alone with you and your partner (or even solo) is taxing as it is.  Delays, line-ups, confusion, waiting for the stewardess to get to your isle only to be told that all of the sandwiches are sold out doesn’t make for a pretty picture as is.  But add two children to the mix and it’s a full fledged comedy series.  Like for real friends.  Today took it out of me. 

The flight was as expected.  We arrived half an hour early which initially I was thinking ‘this is MONEY!’  but it just added an extra half hour to the second half of the day that just drained me.  We arrived at the most beautiful condo that I think I’ve ever been in, but had no idea that it would be so child-proof-less.  I mean we’re talking gorgeous white furniture, breakable expensive stuff everywhere, a balcony with glass walls that both kids immediately slapped their hands and faces onto - (we’re on the top level of the place so this had me terrified) so running around after them all afternoon and into the evening had Nate and I totally SPENT!  We’re going to have to do some firm rules with the kids and childproof some of the stuff ourselves.  BUT, on the other hand this place is huge and we had the best hide and go-seek game in a long time.  

But, I do promise to harder with my outfit tomorrow.  The hot number that I'm in lying on the bed is from Victoria Secret and it says ANGEL on the front of it.  Sexy hey?  HA!

Hope everyone had a lovely SATURDAY!

Here is just one or two pics to show you what we've been dealing with this eve.  Poor William wanted to go back out onto the balcony soooooo badly.  Sorry little man - it's bedtime.

After bath game of 'tag'


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