Apr 15, 2013

Au Naturel

This post has a relatively full account of Scarlet's natural birth.  It was an amazing experience that was MUCH easier than I thought it would be, so read on if you wanna know ;)  

What a ride...

It all started out with a little cramp.  For three Monday's in a row, I had experienced crampy feelings all day.  This was the third Monday in a row, so I wasn't getting too excited.

In the afternoon, I lost my 'plug' but read on the internet that you may not necessarily go into labour for days.  It was so disgusting that I had to take a picture of it to show Nate.  Oh - the pleasures of marriage.  Let the romance begin!  

At around 5:30pm, Nate and I ate a hearty beef stew that Nate made in our crock pot and while we were eating the cramping increased.  I had two bowls of stew because it was so good and comforting and now we call it 'Labour Stew' cause I officially went into labour a few hours later.

I wanted to labour as long as possible at home so we rented "The Hobbit" from Shaw TV and started to watch it.  I began to cringe as the movie progressed but didn't really believe I was in early labour.  But, by the end of the movie, I sure did - contractions were getting more and more intense.  Nate wanted to go to the hospital but I was scared that once we got there I would be sent home for only being like 2 or 3 cm dilated.  NOT the case in the end.

We arrived at 12:30AM Monday morning (after a wicked bumpy car ride) and checked into triage.  Both the secretary and the triage nurse asked me: "What pregnancy is this for you?"  Full disclosure: This is technically my second pregnancy as we were devastated last year with a miscarriage, but it was just easier to say it was my first.  The nurses remained casual and really slow about getting me into a delivery room, apparently a lot of first time moms come in very early.  Then, the triage nurse checked how far I had dilated, and I was a full 6 cm!!!  Immediately, the triage nurse went out into the hallway and Nate and I heard her say: "Need to get her a room, she's 6 cm!"  This is when my adrenaline kicked in. 

Off we went!  Contractions were serious but manageable - what was worse were the adrenaline shakes that NOBODY had told me about or was in anything I had read.  Even in all of the prenatal classes that we attended.  My legs were shaking uncontrollably, and I was beyond hot.  The nurse in the room was so sweet and encouraging.  Nate was so supportive and just completely there for me.  He was such a fantastic spokesperson about what we wanted (natural, minimal interventions, etc).  He was the 'breathe boy' and said 'nice job baby, good work, you're doing incredible, YOU GOT THIS' about a thousand times.  So needed!

Literally, a few minutes later I heard them 'page' the doctor to get there asap as I was now 8 cm.  Dr Wiens arrived and she was so cool and laid back.  My body was dying to push and I told them so.  They said; "Wonderful!  You're moving so quickly Kate!  Go ahead and push!!!"  That's when my water broke naturally and the doc said "Oh boy, we're going to have a baby soon, I better get into my scrubs!"  

Pushing was harder to figure out than I had expected it would be because they pull your legs backwards and I felt like I needed to push them forwards.  But after 37 minutes, baby Scarlet Laurie Weiland was born weighing in a 6pds 11oz.  Her length was 191/2 inches and she came out screaming!!!  It was so rewarding  and thrilling and Nate and I just started bawling when the nurses put her on my stomach.  The cord clamping was delayed (to allow for the cord blood to pump the really good stuff into Scarlet) and Nate was the one to separate Scarlet and I.  Keeping it all in the family!

The experience was WAY better than I had imagined.  If I could say one thing to girls who are about to go into labour, it would be that you don't need to listen to anyone's horror story.  I heard so many 'Let me tell you about my experience' and there are so many that sound so traumatizing - talking about the worst pain ever.  I thought I wouldn't be able to do it without drugs.  SOOOO not the case.  My mom told me: "Kate, it's really not that bad", after she gave birth naturally to four children - one BREECH!  I didn't believe her until being in the same position.  It really isn't as bad as many movies make it out to be.  It was intense and very hard at times, but our bodies are made to birth babies.  It's a matter of believing it.  Your body knows what to do!!!

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