Apr 5, 2013

1 DAY TILL DUE DATE! April 5th 2013

I've been chugging this stuff like nobody's business.  Supposedly, Red Raspberry leaf tea helps with labour contractions and to help bring it on before a woman goes over her due date.  According to Wikipedia: 

Traditional lore suggests that pregnant women use raspberry leaf tea, especially as an aid in delivery.[1][2] However, scientific research has found no evidence to support this claim.[3][4] While there is no evidence that raspberry leaf tea can help bring on labor, its nutrients have been found to strengthen the uterine muscles which could make contractions more efficient.[5] Every Woman's Herbal claims that raspberry leaf tea will enrich the mother's milk, especially during periods when the baby is going through a growth spurt.

Anywho, worth a shot in my opinion.

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