Apr 18, 2016

Scarlet starts School !!!

She was slowly creeping down the steps to get to the car to leave for school.

How is this happening?

Yes - Scarlet has started and I’m a big messy ball of emotions.  Like seriously messy.  I took a video and it’s so hilarious - I can’t decide if I want to break it out and show all of you or not cause it’s pretty embarrassing.  I took it to video message Nate but after watching it again I thought ‘I really need to get a grip!  This is ridiculous!!!’.  I didn’t expect to feel this emotional over Scarlet starting Nursery school AT ALL!  

I partly blame Nate though.  I got a text from him earlier in the week saying that he was feeling a little apprehensive about sending her so early and I just replied:  ‘But her vocabulary and learning skills are out of control - she needs it’ (cause she really does), but then he said that he had a tear in his eye thinking about her going to nursery school!  After I read that HE was getting emotional, I swear it just totally hit me and I became a super suck about it all too.  Then, dropping her off with her little backpack and her snacks and her unicorn water bottle.  I was just a crazy serious heap of tears.  It was CRAZYYYYZEEEEE!

So enjoy the pics and if I feel brave enough I might even post the teary eyed video of me crying for ten minutes in the car in the parking lot. HAhaha.  Promise not to laugh too hard.

Also, this is maybe my fourth ever video that took a total of ten minutes to create (with footage that I didn't ever intend on showing anyone and filmed up and down not side to side...clearly I have a lot to learn), but have a gander in you're game:

Hope everyone has a lovely week!

Kate XO

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