I realize much of the focus and most of the blog updates have been about our little man William, so I wanted to take some time and share with everyone some current info on our Miss. Scarlet. It also gave me an excuse to try out my lens on the cutest little girl I've ever known.
So as you can see, Scarly is quite a character. She makes life so amazing and interesting everyday. Nate and I have been told by numerous friends, family members, neighbours even our family Doc that Scarlet's vocabulary is quite advanced for her age - but we really didn't have any idea about it since she is our first - we just sort of guessed that all kids were this way. However, just as a small example; we were in the car driving past a construction site. Scarlet was intrigued to see that there was a female working alongside all the men. She said to me (word for word because I wrote it down immediately after she said it):
'Perhaps the lady is attempting to become their boss?'
The word use of PERHAPS and ATTEMPTING at 2.5 years old is staggering to me - I started to use those in high school. So, I'm thrilled but also terrified that she's at this point. Also, the concept of that thought!!! The WOMAN is TRYING to be the man's BOSS!?! Awesome.
She has (as of late) be quite particular in her outfits. She started to refuse to wear anything that she felt wasn't feminine. For example, she wouldn't put on a gorgeous Zara blouse that had little brown flowers all over it. She is truly into Pink. Pink ice cream, pink pencil crayons and felts, pink trains. We even bought her a pink shovel so that she could help with the front driveway. I find her pink obsession fascinating because I definitely didn't push that onto her.
She is still the best eater around. I'm planning on doing another 'WHAT I FEED MY BABY AND TODDLER' post in Eats soon, but to give you an example, she has a full bowl of steel cut oatmeal in the morning with frozen berries and full fat yogurt. After finishing that she has a snack and then about ten minutes later she wants her veg and hummus. Then I try to hold her off until lunch(11am) where she'll have a full cheese, turkey and avo sandwich, a piece of fruit, a fruit pack, granola bar, more veg and a cookie if she is lucky. An hour after lunch she's hungry again, so snack three and four occur before she has a full dinner at around 5pm. At 6:30 she wants a bedtime snack which we give her before she brushes her teeth. BOTTOMLESS!

Scarlet needs something to go for a bit of advanced learning. Although we do flash cards, painting, building etc at home, I've noticed that I can't keep up with her learning needs - even as a teacher. She needs to be stimulated. So, we will be enrolling her (early) into a Montessori school that is about a ten minute drive away from our home. WHOOP! We went and met the head director and they'd like her to start immediately. I'm very conflicted about letting her go at 2.5 - most kids don't start preschool until much later - so I'm the one that's holding her back for my own sake. I know it's wrong, I know it would only be three days a week, but I still want my little chick under my wing at this point. Can you blame me?
Kissy face started to droop into a pout. Haha. Don't think she was aware of what was going on.
THOSE LIPS!!! <333
Favourites include:
Veg: Yellow or red peppers
Fruit: Strawberries
Takeout: Sushi and pizza is right up there...
People (besides me and Nate of course ;) : Dzjadzju and Grandma
Song: Smooth Criminal by Michael Jackson
Dance style: Ballet (Lord help me)
Pastime: Painting
TV show: Paw Patrol or Angelina Ballerina (help me)
Treat: Chocolate
Number: 300
Letter: W
Sport: Soccer
Game: Hide and Seek
Instrument: Guitar or Piano
Idol: Princess Elsa
Best friend: Renee from down the street
Book: The Berenstein Bears and the Trouble with Chores
Obsession: Cars and mommy's makeup (which I never allow her to put on...we do Burt's Bees and that's it)
Scarlet weighs around 30 pounds and is tall for her age. She has super long legs! Definitely from Daddy (sniff sniff) but her best feature is her pure heart and soul. The one I hoped for, longed for, prayed for - she is everything I ever imagined I would ever come into contact with and more! My life and so many other's lives are exponentially better because you are in it.
Have a lovely day friends!