Feb 1, 2016

Ballet Beautiful

In preparation for our upcoming beach vacation, I thought I should probably get my butt in gear and do something physical, (it has been embarrassingly WAY too long).  So I thought I would be able to commit and complete at least a half hour at home everyday to a video series called Ballet Beautiful led by the gorgeous Mary Helen Bowers.  
I tuck myself away in the master bedroom while the kids watch an episode of Paw Patrol in the very next room and I plie, stretch, and lift for a solid thirty minutes.  I'm going to do this everyday until we go with the hopes of building muscle, tightening and toning some troublesome mommy areas (such as my tummy) and just getting a little sweaty without completely drenching myself at the gym - which I also love doing.  HA!

You can find these quick (and tough little workouts) on Youtube under Ballet Beautiful.  They are usually in 10-15 minute sections so I'll do two or three and call it a day.  It's fun, relatively easy to do, FREE and it sort of makes me feel like I'm back in the dance studio doing fitness exercises rather than dancing - which is totally ok.  Here's to a FIT FEBRUARY and feel free to join me and fill me in on what you think in the comment section!  I love hearing for you guys.


(Photo credits: @balletbeautiful and @balletinspiration) 

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