(Sept 30th '09)
A cute story about how very kind, responsible and thoughtful the students at Central Memorial are.
This morning, I was teaching a large grade 10 dance class. We were 'cleaning' the choreography from Seussical that they had learned yesterday. In order to ensure that everyone in the group was polished and perfect, I stood up on a drama box to observe the work before they learned the next count of eight. Now, I have the tendency to also dance with the kids while they are doing it; but of course it's not performed 'full out'. I'm totally used to standing on top of something while the dancers dance and have done it for years; but one student wasn't so sure about my technique. During a lull in the class, one of my students named MacKenzie quietly raised her hand; "Mrs. Weiland, I'm really worried about you standing up there and dancing at the same time", and then to my amazement, another student Lauren piped up; "Yeah Mrs. Weiland, I keep thinking your heel is going to slip off the back". Then other students started to look around and nod in agreement. Patrick, one of the boys in the groups even requested to; "just come down Mrs. Weiland. We don't want to have to call in a substitute if you fall and break something". I laughed so hard! I tried to explained to them that it's really not even that high off the ground, maybe two feet and I could probably dance on top of it in my pumps if necessary, but still the class basically convinced me that it would be 'safer'. I only came down off the box to see that their facial expressions would be restored to the happy and content children that first entered the class, which they were. But honestly, for a group of gr. 10 teenagers to be so thoughtful when usually typically teenagers tend to believe that the world revolves around them, I was impressed and amused.
Go Rams!

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