May 11, 2015

Will's six month update

I mentioned this boy was a lady’s man in the last update, correct?  Well, let’s times that by about a billion because I can’t say how in love with the women this child is, and it’s reciprocated right back too.  It can be a little embarrassing sometimes - he’ll actually pet girls faces and smile while looking off to the side but maintains eye contact!  LIKE!  WHERE DID YOU LEARN THAT?!  It’s all so very coy…but secretly, I know he knows EXACTLY what he’s doing.

We’ve moved Will out of our bedroom and into his nursery.  HOORAY!  Just like Scarlet when she was an infant it has been almost an immediate change in sleep behaviour and patterns (thank you thank you thank you).  He sleeps through the night most nights and wakes once here and there during the week.  He’s napping much better in there since we can make it pitch black and the noise machine is just humming away keeping him asleep.  I went out with my best friend for dinner and she encouraged me to start sleep training him which I did - again NIGHT AND DAY difference.  It’s really hard for about a week and then it’s like he just got the hang of it.  No swaddle, no soother and he can put himself back to sleep if he wakes up.  Now just watch - after writing this all down and bragging about it in the blog he’ll make a change tonight.  Haha!

Will is a total chunky monkey right now.  He’s meaty and fleshy and delicious.  I’m soaking up every last inch of his chub - like I seriously can’t get enough of it.  I actually nibble on his rolls sometimes!  He is sitting well and has no problems with keeping his head steady anymore.  He can roll front to back and back to front and always (ALWAYS) wants to stand up.  I let him for a little while with my help.

He’s still in size FOUR diapers.  He will get measured and weighed at his next vaccination.

He’s tried his first solids and loved them.  I was so happy to see that he was eager to eat.  Just like Scarly.

THOSE BLUE EYES!!!  Seriously...

Me 6 months postpartum

How are you feeling?
Awesome!  We had the best Mother’s day yesterday.  I got spoiled with some goodies but more importantly I got to spend the morning with my Mom my Dad and Nate’s parents along with our kids out for brunch.  It was so thrilling to see both sets of our parents just loving up on the kiddos.

Any weight loss?
At six months postpartum I’m sitting at 109 pds which again is very low for me.  As I mentioned last month, nursing has been the biggest reason for it.  It’s REALLY hard to keep up with the calories going out!  When we were out for brunch I had the eggs benedict and typically all the ‘health’ foodies say stay clear of this dish because of calorie content but I just went for it and enjoyed every last bite.

Best moment this week?
Celebrating Mother’s Day.  I honestly love being a mom.

What are you looking forward to?
 Going to the gym tonight to build that muscle!  I’ve been attending more regularly which has been fun.  I’m one of those crazy people that actually loves going to the gym.  

Have a great day friends!


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