Nov 10, 2009

I know Linda, you're right - I need more colour...

Parisian Paradise

House Updates Nov.6th - 12th

After visiting the most romantic and stunning city in the world, we decided that we wanted to go with a Parisian theme in the master bad-room.  However, I'm finding the black, white and mauve grey colours that are synonymous with Paris are slightly, well, not to be mean but...dull.  I would eventually love to get some deep mauves and creams or even possibly burgundy in there but I need some decorating direction.  What would help?  What would keep it Parisian classy and romantic but liven it up 'en peu'. I'd love to hear all suggestions and Peter, if you're still reading the blog, what do you think?    

(little detail - book ends with a bit of burgundy and mauve)


Anonymous said...

Add some "greenery" plants, obviously real ones are nice but you can actually find some pretty nice "fakies" now. That will just help to brighten things up but not take away from the "theme". One small one in a plain black pot would look cute on the bedside tables. Or if you have space-a plant in a corner somewhere.

Unknown said...

Nice call Anonymous. I like it. I'm gonna try it. Any others? Anyone? Anyone?

L said...

I am not so good at this stuff but I love the Parisian look. Got any toile? I'm a big fan if it's done right. Maybe like this:

Anonymous said...

Kate... I've been off the blog for a while -- but just got back from a long trip to NYC and now I just got caught up. So what do I think? I think you're home is amazing. You guys are really cool. And I'm flattered you want to know what I think...

Okay, so I've been trying to think of designers who use a lot of blacks, whites and greys and thought of a brilliant architect and designer in NY who designs almost everything in that pallet but seems to bring it alive with choice accents and furnishings. Go to this website -- then click on "Private", then check out everything in the "Townhouses" and "Apartments" section:

I noticed you've bought some hardware at Restoration Hardware. They've recently been selling some fantastic design books and I see that they have a couple of books about French/Parisian interiors. Check it out:;jsessionid=H2ZHTPCZ1NW55LAWEIHSCAVMCYKBKH20?navAction=jump&navCount=0&categoryId=cat1648014

And if you need to bring more of the best of Paris into your bad-room, I recommend dimming the lights, slipping on an LBD, pouring a nice glass of bordeaux, playing some Francoise Hardy and lighting a cigarette.

Hope this helps...


AlannahLeigh said...

That's so funny...I was going to say Parisian! I love grey right now. It's such a good neutral especially for a master bedroom cause it's not too girly! Keep posting pictures!

Wicked Weilands said...

Peter - five words:

You. Rock. My. Design. World.
