Weekly Pregnancy Update
How far along are you?
10 weeks.
How are you feeling?
There were a few days this past week were the fatigue was absolutely knock-you-down-ferocious. It was rough. The nausea has been pretty prominent too and that’s never fun.
Any weight gain?
None yet. Currently 112 pds
New symptoms?
I don’t know if it’s possible to feel the baby this early, but I swore I felt some movements going on in there when I was relaxing one day. It really felt like the kicks I was feeling with the other two kids, but it just seems too early! I know it’s not in my head though - there is definitely something going on.
General mood?
I’ve always struggled with trusting that things are progressing and ‘OK’ in the first trimester (actually make that the entire pregnancy), so lately I’ve been a bit worried and slightly moody because of it. But being tired and hormonal definitely doesn’t help…
I’m thinking girl this week.
What foods are you craving?
I had a Strawberry ice cream craving last night (and we didn’t have any so I was a little disappointed), and the other day I craved a McChicken meal from McDonalds and I definitely indulged.
Do you miss anything?
I kind of miss Sushi already.
Hasn’t been amazing just due to the bathroom breaks.
Working out?
I taught four dance classes on Wednesday and that was definitely a workout. The following two days, I was totally out of commission around the house. It was laughable.
Best moment?
The kids have been really interested in seeing the baby. They want me to life my shirt to show my stomach and then they both talk to the new baby and pet my stomach and give such sweet hugs. It’s really heartwarming. Scarlet stuck her finger in my belly button and said “She can feel me touching her”. Scarlet has CLEARLY stated that she wants a little sister. William upon asking whether he believes it to be a Boy or a Girl has said “Boy!”
What are you excited about?
I’m excited about Halloween tonight. I LOVE seeing all the sweet little kids and even the teenagers (I give them extra candy because teens get so bashed by society these days and it takes bravado to dress up and go out trick or treating at that age!!!), and I can’t wait for our two little ones to experience the fun. Hope everyone has a safe and wonderful night tonight!
His makeup was starting to rub off but he just staying in character - for a fair amount of time afterwards. It was sooooo funny. We really love Halloween.
This is the creepiest pic of Nate EVVVVVVEEEER but I just kill myself laughing when I look at it.