Dec 1, 2014

3 weeks postpartum


How are you feeling?
Good.  We’re getting settled nicely and we have a bit of a schedule (kinda sorta) which is reassuring.  It’s nice having an idea about what is coming up.  

Let me just say some nights are better than others.  Two nights ago for example was NOT a good night because Will couldn’t stop grunting and moaning all night long - nonstop.  It sounds like he is constipated but he has regular bowel movements.  He’s got us a little confused.  We’re seeing a paediatrician tomorrow so hopefully he’ll give us some insight on these peculiar sounds.

My Nutrition?
Has improved.  I’m eating more which is essential and it’s mostly all very healthy.  I’ve been enjoying muffins and cookies for some fast sugar and treats so that right now is my vice - and wine.  I want to write a whole blog post about my renewed relationship with a few ounces a day. P.S - Full support from La Leche League International so zero guilt too.

Any weight loss?
This week I lost 4 pounds for a total of 17 pounds putting me at 126.

Best moment this week?
When Will became too BIG for his Premie Onesies and diapers!!!  He finally outgrew them and I cried a little out of happiness.  Also, when my B.F.F came by with gifts, dinner and words of advice about Will’s grunting.  Her first son Steele had some similar issues so she shared what worked for them.   

How is Scarlet coping?
Like a boss.  Seriously thought it would be harder for her but she is just owning the whole big sister role.  The most humorous thing she is doing now is upon hearing Will grunt or moan or cry she looks at us and does a massive ‘sour’ face and says “SAD BABY!” and then whimpers a little herself.  

Baby Will?
We’re definitely in the honeymoon phase of his life - so really I keep saying he’s such an easy baby.  But of course at this stage all they ever do is sleep so…
  I swoon whenever he makes a peep or a cry and I agree with strangers when they say ‘He’s so BEAUTIFUL’ or ‘Oh he’s the most adorable baby I’ve seen!’  Yes - they said that about Scarlet too and I whole-heartedly believed it.  #mommyglasses

His weight?
We’re getting his weight done tonight so I will TRY to remember to post it.  If not, I’ll have it for next week.  He feels and looks fuller though.  I’m one proud momma.  

His disposition?
Still cool and calm.  He makes eye contact with me when he’s nursing and I swear he can see into my heart and soul.  He has the deepest dark steal blue eyes.  They’re kinda mesmerizing.

What are you looking forward to?
Ted, Laura and Charlie coming home this week!  
Christmas with both families

Fourth Trimester Rulebook: I will do my best to implement these rules for the next three months.

1. I will be kind to myself, my mental well-being, my body and my heart.

2. I will do my best to let go of the cleanliness of our house.

3. I will ask for help and ask often.

4. I will do my best to sleep or rest when the baby sleeps.

5. I will resist the urge to feel guilty when I am not with Scarlet and Nate.  I will value and cherish my time with sweet baby William. 

6. I will not workout or be physical ;) for at least 6 weeks

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