Sep 20, 2014

Final summer days

Thank Goodness for this weather!  After the little winter ‘sample’ that we had a about a week ago (where it snowed three days in a row...ugh), our little famjam has been doing everything possible to get out in the sun and enjoy every last minute of it before that happens again.

Last night after dinner at Famoso, we went to Fish Creek park and just laughed and ran around and played.  Scarly was in her glory - it’s thrilling watching her discover leaves, stones and insects.  She has such a little curious soul.  As you can see, she almost looks like she’s leaping from foot to foot or dancing.  I just love observing her when she's this joyful.

 In the current book that I’m reading, there is a sentence that really spoke to me about these types of family times.  It reads: 

‘In that moment they were holding the world at bay, if only for a short time.  They let themselves stop worrying’.  

So often, we undervalue the precious moments that God blesses us with. I know that these are the moments that make life so incredible.  What a gift to be able to experience them.


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