Jul 13, 2009

JULY 14th Happy 2 YEAR Wedding Anniversary!

No longer Newlyweds

Today is the big day.  Nate and I have been married for two whole years!  I can't believe how quickly time has gone by.  We feel like it JUST happened!  No longer newlyweds, but I'm just fine with that.  Too be honest, isn't two years a bit long to be calling yourself a newlywed?  I don't know.  Anywho, I think that some of the biggest marriage lessons that I've learned so far is that;

  • Giving in a marriage is 100% more important than taking.
  • You need to trust your spouse with all of your heart, mind, body, booty and soul.
  • Tone and Tact is so important in a disagreement.
  • You can both admire beautiful people, but never touchie or get emotionally involved.  Just wrong...
  • Don't interrupt your spouse, ever.  Respect what they are saying - especially in a public setting and if you disagree with it, tell them in private.   
  • Kisses come in small, medium and large.
  • And doing something that the other person wants to do (even if you don't want to do it) will earn you big points for the rest of your marriage.  eg:  Living on a sailboat for a year.  My favorite new line to Nate is:  'Remember that time we almost died?  Yeah, about that........'

We were going to go to Hotel Arts for our Anniversary; however, after some thoughtful consideration, and since I'm such a recessionista, we thought we'd save our moola and go up to the cabin instead.  I'm SOOO excited about that cause we'll have it all to ourselves and it will be FREE ;)

Here are some of my favorite marriage memories:

There are way too many sailing trip memories so I'm going to just say that the entire trip was a big fat number one.

Number two is when Nate surprised me with a christmas present on Christmas morning in front of my whole family when we agreed that we wouldn't exchange because we were trying to save money.

Numer three was when we were apart for two weeks ( I know, so little time) in Novemeber when I came back to calgary and he stayed in the states and how badly we wanted to see each other when we got back.  We were literally home sick for one another.

Number four when we bought our house in Mackenzie Towne.

Things I'm looking forward to in our marriage

A Babymoon

Raising a happy and quirky family

Travelling to Peru, China, Egypt, Thailand and India.

And finally, as a gift to you Nathan, I wrote a loving and sentimental poem.  I've entitled it:

My loving poem. 

(maybe this will get you to look on our blog a bit more)...

Kate and Nate went out on a date,

They both were late, but got along great,

Day, Night, Affiliate

Their time together grew at a rapid rate.

Nate knew Kate would be his mate,

he took her to the cabin as proposal bait,

Nate asked for her hand and she just couldn't wait,

time to the wedding was expediate...ed.

Accelerate now to two years ahead,

Mom and Dad Hoyda and Weiland always said,

These two together has been their fate,

but please don't you dare name your first child Tate.

I love you Nate and my name is Kate

Don't you love how our names correlate?

I know we could learn how to really create

a fabulous life we'll appreciate...

and hopefully we'll accumulate,

and on our 60th we'll celebrate,

I'm sure the time will come to circumnavigate

but just understand I'm slightly delicate.

My best. Work. EVER.

1 comment:

Wicked Weilands said...

I could not be a happier man that I am with Kate>

I love you now and forever