Feb 18, 2014

Master Photo Bomber

Yes - he's adorable, but this furry monster can push my buttons.

I love him, I really do.  I love how Milo follows me around the house every waking moment of the day.  How he rushes in front of me while I'm walking down the stairs with a baby in my arms.  How he silently sits behind me while I'm changing Scarlet's diaper.  How he scratches at my door at 6:00 in the morning.  How he jumps into my lap when I'm eating.  How he rubs his hairy butt in my face when I'm watching a movie with Nate.  How he masterfully photo bombs my pictures on a regular basis.  All I can say is, it's a damn good thing he's cute or we'd be putting up an add on Kijiji.

For my full outfit details check out the W Style.


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