You know how things are never quite the same in your head as when they actually transpire in real life? Like for example, when imagining our family vacation in my head, I never for a minute thought that all three of the most important people in my life would get sick for almost half of the 'vacation'. !!!!!!! Yah - for real.
Let’s start from the beginning. Unfortunately, the evening before our travel, Scarlet had a high fever. We monitored her behaviour and watched her very closely through the night. Thankfully, it didn’t get too high, but, we weren’t totally comfortable getting on a plane for five hours so we strongly considered even leaving Canada in the first place. The next morning Scarlet woke up looking and feeling great and the best news was that the fever had broke! Both Nate and I thought; ‘we’re good’! The fever had disappeared just as soon as it had arrived and Scarlet was eating and drinking with no signs of any other symptoms. We were feeling confident to go to Mexico…so we went.
The night we arrived in Mexico, the fever returned. Scarlet woke up sweating buckets and complaining almost every twenty minutes throughout the night. It was awful - nobody slept. But again, that morning, she was lively, happy, temperature was normal, it was as though nothing happened. Two more nights of this and then a fierce red rash appeared on her arms and legs. She was also complaining about her mouth being too ‘spicy’ and after looking at the back of her throat and on her tounge she had super big white ulcers - almost like blisters all over her mouth. The doc at the resort suggested Measles and I think I aged about ten years in a split second. But it just didn’t make sense as both of our kids are totally up to date with all of their vaccinations. After going to the hospital for a second opinion - two other paediatricians disagreed with the Measles diagnosis - one suggested Scarlet fever and the other thought it was a virus.
While at the hospital, the doc (who spoke three words of english) looked at William and discovered he was starting to exhibit the same symptoms as Scarlet although there was no fever. Rash, sore throat and white blisters at the back of his throat. Awesome.
So we were prescribed three different medications that we had to give the kids for the week every three-six hours. One doc said Scarlet fever, the other said is was a herpes virus (lordy lord) but they couldn’t totally agree on what it was or communicate it to us. So, now that we’re back, we’ll see our lovely and very capable doctor here and hopefully get some answers.
After the kids started to begin to feel better, it hit Nate in a big BIG way. He was out of commission for four days in Mexico but handled it like a trooper and only complained a few times. He was put on antibiotics that only seemed to make the rash on his back go completely crazy and then after switching to a stronger version of the same thing did his symptoms start to disappear. Just in time for us to go home. HAHA!!!
So, we’re going to have a do-over vacation coming up here. I insisted that we do it since our little clan was so out of sorts this round. I really didn’t feel like I got to relax at all because I was taking care of all three at the same time! Exhausting. It was definitely work and I thought I was going to be next but so far, I haven’t caught or felt anything. (Touch wood) Yesterday when we were at the doc's for a checkup she looked me in the eye and said 'Doctors need to take another trip...SOON!' I laughed and said 'For sure! I'll let my husband know' and then she said again to me 'DOCTOR'S ORDERS!'
Whoo hooo!!!
Hope everyone had a loverly Tuesday! See you tomorrow - same time same place ;) Also, if you aren't already sick of these shots of us and Mexico, I'll be putting up a few others in the 'Travel' section as the week continues.