Apr 8, 2015

Scarlet’s Two Year Update


Favourite Food: She’ll eat anything, ANYTHING!  But her favourite food is either pizza, sushi or bananas.  I still have to blend half of one into her milk everyday or she won’t touch it.  I had a complete stranger come up to me at the Science Center a few weeks ago and ask what my secret was to getting her to become an amazing eater (she was watching Scarlet scarf down a spinach salad with boiled eggs and a turkey sandwich), and I told her she’s always been a great eater.  But after thinking about it, I realize that I don’t ever fight with her the odd time she doesn’t want to eat something.  I always say ‘OK!’ and then just eat it myself.  I guess she just always sees that and probably (hopefully) thinks; ‘dang, I’m missing out’.  It seems to have worked.

Favourite Word: Delicious (she says this after she chugs her water in the morning) but goes DEEEE-licious!  She’s also practicing saying the word: Spectacular!

Book: Makeup Mess by Robert Munsch

TV Show: Bubble Guppies

Movie: Parts of Frozen (I know…this mommy drank the Disney juice), but she hasn’t watched the entire thing.  She’s too busy.

Song: Jealous by Nick Jonas (again, I know.  It’s my fault)  BUT on the positive she does ask for ‘Ballet music’ (classical) almost daily.

Colour: Pink (shocking)

Toy: Fire Engine.  Scarlet wait like 20 years - you have nooooooo idea.

Her best sayings/phrases: 

When looking at my Bible she picked it up and said: 
(I have no idea where she got that from)

When the Xmas deer fell down in our backyard (like a few days ago) she said: 
‘That’s a broken-hearted reindeer’.  

When we were all eating breakfast one day, she said: 
‘I LOVE…steering wheels’.

We were driving to Starbucks one day and she pointed out the window and said:
‘Look at that beautiful bulldozer!’

Skills: She can cross her fingers, jump on one leg and play hide n seek like nobody’s business.

Skip this bit if you don’t want to hear a mother brag about her daughter.  Ok, but seriously guys…
Scarlet is SHARP!.  She can count to twenty (was doing this a few weeks ago), sings her ABC’s all the way to the end of the ‘…next time won’t you sing with me’ part, and says her full name to strangers who ask her what it is.  I KNOW RIGHT?!  Also, when we were in Indigo and the cashier asked her how old she was, she didn’t just say ‘two’ she said ‘two years old’.  WHA?!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!?!??!  Ok there.  I’m done.  

 Holy, what a firecracker.  She absolutely knows when people are watching her and LOVES the attention.  It’s hilarious.  She puts on such a show.  Totally social kid too.  Walks right up to other little kids and gives them hugs. It’s so adorable but occasionally they aren’t reciprocated because the other child is either scared of her, or too shy.  Scarlet usually just walks away but a few days ago she asked the kid after they turned away from her hug; 

‘What’s the matter?’

Personal space Scarlet.  Personal space…

 She usually speaks in sentences now but they’re kinda mumbled around a bit.  Like for example she’ll say ‘Carry you now mommy’ when she wants me to pick her up.  ‘You’ and ‘Me’ are still a little mixed up but ‘I’ is pretty clear in her mind.  She’ll say ‘I’m coming now too!’ or ‘I don’t like it’.

23 pounds
32 inches
shoe size: 6
Clothing size: 18-24 months (still fits 1T and 2T is a little big on her)
Vaccinations are all up to date and we have Hair!  Took a good year and a half to come but its here!

I’ll get a few (million) shots of the little cupcake tonight at her party - that is if I can catch her.  She’s still napping once a day on most days so hopefully she’ll get a serious one in this afternoon since this evening is going to be jam packed.  It’s a gorgeous day out today so we’ll probably be learning all about tricycles!  Can’t wait to see her little expression.  Have a fantastic day friends!



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