This past weekend I attended my second Les Mills training program in the discipline of BodyAttack. Basically, BodyAttack is an hour long group exercise aerobics class with a sports and agility feel set to music that is changed up every 3 months.
In order to successfully complete the first component of training, you must pass a series of fitness tests to prove that you are capable of teaching an entire hour of BodyAttack to Goodlife Fitness members - one of these tests is called the Beep Test.
On the first day of training we did a master class of the latest attack release (one hour) and then had a training session on technique (two hours). After this we did our first fitness test - I know. I felt like saying; "Ummmm, excuse me, but we've just worked out for three hours and now you want to test our endurance, speed, agility, and strenghth?" But I didn't. So the training recruits were split up into two groups. We were all paired up with a partner who we were instructed to cheer on and encourage while they ran from point to point during the Beep Test. I was cheering for Denisa - my group was going to run second.
The first group ran back and forth all together while the scary man on the pre-recorded CD counted up from the number 1. Every time a beep went off, it got faster and faster. When the group got to 50 beeps, everyone watching (including me) was shocked. Where these guys still running? Then the group got to 60 and there were only a few left. When it appeared as though they were literally sprinting from end to end of the gym the group was down to one last girl - AMY. She got to 75 beeps! Everyone was shocked.
Then our group went up - it was really crowded and I felt squished beside all the recruits. I was so nervous that I thought the lactic acid in my legs was going to make me collapse. "I CAN'T DO THIS!!!! 70 BEEPS?!?!?!??!!" My brain screamed at me, but my feet and legs seemed excited about it "yes you can, yes you can, yes you can" - mental. The first beep went and I ran, then it beeped again and I ran. It was pretty strange. I felt like I was in a weird zone where I knew that if I lost focus I would loose the rhythm.
All I really know is that when it beeped, I moved and tried to reach the other side before it beeped again. I just kept going and didn't think about the speed or the pain. In fact, I didn't really know what number of beep I was on. I just kept running.
Then I noticed it wasn't so squishy anymore. I had more room to run after the beeps. Then I noticed I had A LOT more room to run. In fact, it was just me and Derek - the only male taking the training that weekend. But, I just kept going. Then, I heard the number. It was in the high 80's. 80!? OMGosh. Keep going.
Suddenly, there was a ton of screaming and cheering. I looked around and Derek had dropped out. I was the last one running!!! I was somewhere in the 90's but I couldn't hear exactly what number it was because everyone was yelling so loud. My legs were exploding and now my feet and legs were saying "I CAN'T DO THIS YOU PSYCHO!" but my brain was saying "yes you can, yes you can, yes you can" - freakanomics.
Then, the national trainer was running beside me and cheering me on; "COME ON KATE! COME ON!" She was running in front of me and she looked like she was running so easily where as every step was painful for me. It was like one of those dreams you know? At this point, I couldn't hear any beeps at all. I didn't know if I had stopped after 93 or if I was closer to 100. I just kept going until my legs couldn't move anymore. Then, I felt like I gave up, or gave in. One of the two.
97 Beeps.
Everyone was cheering and smiling when I came over to the group. My group was all patting me on the back and my partner Denisa looked really excited. I reveled in the happiness for a few moments and then heard the trainer say; 'Great Job Kate! To be an elite BodyAttack instructor, the number to beat is 80! Okay, everyone. Take five, we're going to do the next three fitness tests."

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