How far along are you?
14 weeks!
How are you feeling?
Good! Better thankfully. Not quite as tired or nauseous and my appetite has gone through the roof!
Any weight gain?
2 pounds for a total of six pounds putting me at 118
New symptoms?
None this week
General mood?
I’m thinking girl again because of Scarlet - she's very convincing. She has been pretty adamant about it and I have no doubt in my mind she will be devastated if it’s a boy.
MEOW! (I couldn't help myself)
What foods are you craving?
I was craving Steak the other day and sour candies. So weird.
Do you miss anything?
I went out for dinner the other night with two girlfriends and they both ordered a glass of wine. It was nice that they both sipped away while they ate and I kind of missed that. I had a virgin mojito and we was ok.
Pretty good but my neck has really been bothering me.
Working out?
Dancing dancing dancing.
Best moment this week?
The best moment this week was putting up all of the Christmas decorations around the house - especially the tree. When it went up, I actually started to cry (clearly I’m hormonal) but it was just such a crazy special few minutes seeing Nate with the kids working together and talking and laughing. It was one of those tiny moments that isn’t really too ‘huge’, but completely enormous and significant at the same time.
What are you excited about?
We have a few Christmas parties in the future and Nate’s birthday coming up! We’ll be attending parent teacher interviews with Scarlet’s teachers and then we are doing a date night afterward! It will be nice to have some alone time together.
This week I’m adding a question:
What is the strangest thing that happened this week?
I had read a comment on my Instagram account from a girl who was ‘very confused’ about how we take our photos. This follower turmoil absolutely kills me, so I wrote back to her (really nicely) that it was just the camera timer that I set up many of my photos. She said she was very thankful that I had responded (which was nice) and she told me that she came across my IG account through a website called Buzzfeed.
I had heard of the website before but hadn’t really looked on it so I decided to check it out. I went on and sure enough - there is an article written about the 7 Instagram feeds to check out. It’s called something like ‘The best of the gram’. It was so strange because nobody had contacted me, or notified me that this had happened or even asked for permission (not that I mind because it was all positive), but so wild, strange and bizarre to see us up on the Internet basically by chance.
If you want to check it out you can find it here:
Hope you all have a great week ahead!