(look at his hand placement here. No wonder he's smiling!)
Will is 3 months old
Ok, now that I’ve freaked out about the fact that my newborn is now an young infant - let’s move on.
What does our life look like right now? Well - it’s busy. Most days I am a solo parent while Nate is at work but other days I have some help. Either my Mom, Nate’s Mom or our mother’s helper Joti comes in. I love the days there is help…
Will’s routine is fairly predictable but always a bit different than the week before. He still wants to feed about every two and a half hours during the day (this boy is a hungry fella) and naps on and off throughout the day with one really big solid slumber from about 1-4pm. Right now, he cluster feeds from 530 till bedtime - basically eating non-stop. He doesn’t love being put down on his own so that’s what we’re currently working on. He goes to bed almost every night at 830 which is really awesome because a) it’s very predictable and b) Mommy and Daddy get that much needed adult time together.
The trick is meshing his routine together with Scarlet’s and on days that I’m alone things can be a bit hairy. Sometimes they both need or want me and clearly I only have two arms and they don’t understand that. So, I do what I can and usually try to manage the one that is demanding my attention the loudest. 80% of the time - it’s sweet Will.
He is currently wearing size 0-3 month clothes and a size 3 diaper. Some of his 3-6 month stuff is starting to come into the daily mix. I try to dress both kids everyday, but often I’ll just leave Will in his onesie.
Will likes tummy time and those Lamaze toys that crinkle and squeak. He loves to study peoples faces and is starting to really grab things (including my hair). He has discovered his hands and loves to chew on them and also babbles and talks when he’s on his back.
Survival tricks
ok, so some days are just total write-offs and I'm up to my eyeballs in panic. Here are a few things that help me out when the going gets tough with the littles:
- First thing after breakfast, I'll pack up both kids into the car and just drive around for an hour. I get a Starbucks (drive-thru) while Scarlet watches the 'diggers' and bulldozers and Will is sawing logs in his carseat. That hour is pure heaven.
- The t.v. Yes, before Will was born Scarly was on a fairly strict 1/2 max everyday screen time rule. Now with two under two it's probably more like an hour and I have zero guilt about it. The positive is that her vocabulary has expanded exponentially.
- No hair, no makeup days. It's nice to feel ready and prepared everyday but sometimes I just get out of bed and say 'Not happening today'. It's nice because I get an extra twenty minutes to catch up on laundry or prepping food or writing a blog post. Every girl needs these relaxed days once in a while.
- Take-out. Twice a week. Every week. No questions asked.
- Online shopping. Even if I just go online while the kids are napping or resting and fill my cart up with all the things I want to get and the total comes to a million bucks, that can be really fun too. Obviously, I don't purchase every time but just looking is relaxing for me.
- When all else fails, scrap the rules, routines, schedule and just go with what works in the minute. It could mean that Scarlet is in her underwear and Will has spit-up all over his chest but if nobody is fussing - we're good and we're not changing a thing.
Have your having a great day friends!