Scarlet's 10 Month update
Scar is crawling everywhere! I can't believe how much more mobile she has become over this past month. She is also starting to pull herself up and stand which totally freaks me out - partly due to the fact that I occasionally still see her as a newborn baby and also because I'm scared that she'll fall over and slam her head on the floor. Her balance is wobbly when she 'stands' so I stay very close.
She is officially a beach addict! When we were in Kauai, I was worried that she might be afraid of both the sand and the water because every time we put her near either one she would hesitate and get really clingy. It took a few days for her to touch the sand and feel it in between her fingers. One day on the beach we met another little baby named Lou from Sweden. Lou is one month older than Scar and was totally in the sand crawling around, eating eat, rubbing it in her eyes and loving it. Scarlet saw this and completely changed her tune. She got right in there and started to play with Lou too. So adorable. They spoke 'baby' to one another for a good part of the afternoon.

She is feeding herself with both hands. Sometimes her right and sometimes her left. She likes bread and puffs because they're light and small enough that she can easily stuff them in her mouth. We do lot's of fruit and veggies everyday and her only sweet 'bad' thing that she has ever had was a lick of my Mom's pineapple popsicle. My Mom was so happy to give it to her, I was happy that she was happy.
I'm still nursing four times a day. Unfortunately, around month nine I lost my milk. I dropped a lot of weight and my body just didn't have anything else to work with so I knew that Scarlet wasn't getting much. I worked on putting on few healthy pounds which helped, but even so, I could literally feel her sucking right to the back of my boob and then getting frustrated because nothing was coming out. She would then bite me trying to stimulate the milk and I just ended up in pain with a fussy hungry baby. So, I tried Mother's Milk tea first for about two weeks. It helped a little. The downside is, I really hate tea, to me it just tastes like dirty water and the other downside was that you had to have two or three big mugs of it daily. Scarlet started getting a little bit more but it wasn't enough for her. So, I went on medication called Motillium. Worked like a charm! It really has been a lifesaver for me. I'm thrilled with the results. No side effects for me or Scarly and we have gotten back to comfortable nursing with no biting, pain or frustration. I hope to nurse her till she turns one (and can drink cows milk without issue). Until then, I plan on staying with the Motillium.
Sleeping is a dream! She is still out for the entire night with the door shut and monitor on. It is such a blessing have a few hours to ourselves before we hit the hay. Nate and I give each other back rubs and talk or watch movies. On the weekends we sip wine too!!! It's soooo nice!Scar goes down somewhere between 7:30 - 8:30 depending on the day and will sleep until 8:00 the following day. It's just so nice to have a baby that does this because over the holiday we ran into a couple who STILL have issues with their baby doing regular night wakes ups. UGH! I myself turn into a cranky zombie if I don't get at least 7 hours so Scarlet's sleep habits have been a gift from heaven. We are still working on weaning her from the bouncy ball and I anticipate that it will take some time just because she has had it since she was born, but I feel that this one 'vice' is small in comparison.
I'm looking forward to planning and hosting her first birthday party! The theme is going to be the Beach. Haha!