I swear, the poor mail lady can't fully do her job because I'm hovering over her secretly shouting in my head "Come on come, faster lady FASTER! Fill the boxes woman!!!" But alas, flyers, visa applications, and cell phone bills seem to be the only paperwork that ever gets left for me.
I received a confirmation email a few weeks back stating that the big wigs in Toronto had obtained the copy of my BodyStep video for assessment and that it would take 4-6 weeks to be returned to me. Okay, can I just quickly explain that the video is literally one hour long. It would honestly take one or two hours to make a decision and then send it right back. sigh. I'm driving myself bonkers with this...
The assessment will come back as either a fail, a resubmit (where they want to make sure that you will be able to improve on certain components of either the choreography, cueing, coaching, etc) or as a pass. If I DO get a pass, I'll finally be certified and will be able to teach my own class at one of the Goodlife Fitness Gym's around Calgary or anywhere in North America for that matter. I really REALLY hope I get it.