May 9, 2010

The curveball

As I was riding in the back seat of a Calgary Police officer's car last Sunday morning, I encouraged myself to do a bit of self reflection.  First, I thought how life can throw you some strange curveballs and then I thought about how quickly something as simple as your daily plan can change - completely out of your control.  But then I questioned myself; 'How in the world had I got to this exact point in my life journey?  How was a stern policeman stealing quick glances my way in the rearview mirror, my nerves on edge, my husband calmly sitting at our kitchen table eating his breakfast without a clue that a cop car was about to pull up to the house with his wife in the back seat all?  How?  Well, the 'how' of the story all starts out a few months back when I began to take group exercise classes at the Goodlife Fitness Club.  

After BodyStep class one day, I was approached by the instructor who strong recommended that I take the training component so that eventually I would be able to teach it.  I was thrilled and didn't want to miss out on such a fabulous opportunity.  I signed up right away, counting down the days for the session.  I was super pumped and was determined to do my best. 

The first day of training we were told that we would each be given a 'track' from the new BodyStep release.  We had to learn the choreo, start to script our cueing and coaching lines and then present it to everyone else the following day.  I was beyond nervous Saturday night and Sunday morning so I made sure to wake up early Sunday morning (we were told that we wouldn't be let in if we were late), so I grabbed a bite to eat and jumped in my car to get to the NW Westwinds Goodlife fitness location way across the city.  

Driving down Deerfoot, my 'track' music was blasting at full volume out of my speakers.  I'm going over my choreo in my head, and yelling out cues to my imaginary class.  All of a sudden I hear a part of the music that sounds totally off.  I stop yelling and try to listen carefully to the unfamiliar sound.  It's like a weird flapping noise - this isn't right.  I went to turn down the music when I notice smoke coming out of the back end of my SUV.   I new instantly...I have a flat tire... awesome.  I quickly look at the time: 7:20.  I have to be there by 8:00 and it takes a half hour to get to Westwinds from my house.

Being the determined young woman that I am, I immediately thought; 'I can make it, I can make it'.  So I kept driving.  I went for another 15 seconds when all of a sudden I hear a mini explosion coming from the back of the car.  Okay.  The tire just erupted.  My first thought was;  'So how far can you go on the rim of your car?'  Well, that didn't last.  A moment later, I knew I had to pull over because there was smoke coming from the back of the car.  So I pulled over, my plan was to call Nate and he would come pick me up.  Well one of those curveballs that I was talking about earlier was coming right my way.

I pulled out my cell phone and dialed Nate's number.  I'm waiting and waiting for what seemed like hours for him to pick up when all of a sudden I realized there is a ringing cell phone sound coming out of my gym bag that's sitting right beside me!!!   I looked at my cell phone in my hand, and ended the call.  Immediately, I dialed Nate's number again.  I thought I was dreaming.  There's no way I could have both MY cell phone and HIS this car in my gym bag.  But alas, again, after calling his number, my gym bag continues to ring.  I dig through the well prepared snacks and extra pair of socks I have in there and sure enough find Nate's cell phone shining and ringing up at me from the bottom of my bag.  NOOOOOO!!!  Okay, okay.  No way to get a hold of my husband because we don't have a land line.  I start to panic.  7:30, all alone on Deerfoot on a Sunday morning.  Fan-effing-tastic.   

What do I do?  Do I run home?  That would take HOURS!  Do I sit there and wait for a random car to drive by?  Possibly some early church goers?  What time does church start anyway?  Is there a church around here?  PANIC!!!!  Okay Kate.  Remain calm.  Then out of the corner of my eye, I see the car.  The only other car on all of Deerfoot.  It was a sign.  I had to get his attention.  I jump out of my car and start running after him - arms flailing and everything.  He pulls over and I run up to his passenger side window.  

Kate: 'Hi!' (out of breath)  'Can you drive me to my BodyStep training?'  

Policeman: (neutral facial expression)

Kate: 'I just got a flat tire and I have to go to a Fitness session at Goodlife Fitness and I'm already running late do you know what time it is my husband's cell phone is in my gym bag which I only just found after turning down the music to my track cause I was practicing the choreography which I have to teach to the rest of the group today...can you take me there?

Policeman: (neutral facial expression) Get in the backseat.  Where do you live?

Kate: ' I just live in McKenzie Towne'

Policeman: (searching computer)  I can take you there.

Kate: 'Oh MY GOSH!!!  THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK You so much (5 minutes later) thank you thank you thank you.  Can I give you a hug?  

Policeman:  That's ok.

And so by this time, it's 8:00 a.m. and I'm back at the house.  I'm dead and I know it.  Nate has no idea what's just gone on.  I figure I'll tell him on the way.  

I made it to training in time to do 30 extra push-ups more than everyone else; but the trainer was understanding enough to allow me back into class.  I ended up passing the course (YAY!) and have since been 'shadowing' with instructors all over Calgary.  Once I submit my video, I'll be assessed by a fitness pro board (so serious) and hopefully have a summer job at Goodlife.  You know what though?  Life IS good regardless of flat tires and unforeseen circumstances.  I'm loving mine and will be ready to laugh at the next curveball cause it all works out in the end.