Nov 24, 2009
COME AND SEE THEM!!! Dec 1st - 5th

Nov 18, 2009

The Weiland's entertain regardless of random unfinished renovations around the house.
I must get it from my Mom. Growing up, I got used to my parents entertaining 'company' almost every weekend. The visits would vary from a wide range of different occasions; dinner parties, book club for the ladies, book club wind up party with the men, 'stitch-n-bitch', Christmas parties, New Years Shin diggs, or just random drinks with so and so from wherever. Mom and Dad loved having guests. You could definitely call Laurie and Don Hoyda the social butterflies of Calgary - in my opinion you still could. However, as a youngster laying in bed awake listening to adults laughing well into the wee hours of the evening (school nights too), I didn't understand the 'appeal' of sitting around and conversing your face off. Then, I grew up.
Currently, as a small homeowner, I feel compelled, eager, even anxious to have guests and friends over for dinner, drinks and fantastic conversation every, single, solitary weekend. Not to show off the house - the house is secondary - purely a location to 'house' all of the fun. But I mainly love entertaining for the time with our dear friends. I completely understand now why my parents are so popular and have had and have so many great companions and hope that Nate and I will aim to be like that and continue to build our fantastic group of friends.
Last weekend, we had Nate's best friend and the best man-of-honour at our wedding over with his incredibly beautiful, funny and talented girlfriend Nicole, who I pray will be Mrs. Weir one day. Nicole is super special. Before her, Matt was 'that single dude'. He flew solo for literally...well, FOREVER. He had been set up on numerous dates on numerous occasions to no avail. In fact, I personally even thought that I would take a swing at it and introduce him to one of my girlfriends - major fail. But that's alright because they are both super happy now.
But Nicole came along and stole Matty's heart. He was smitten and so were Nate and I because this meant evenings, weekends, possibly even couple vacations would be in our very near future. That's a huge 'heck yeah!!!'. Here are a few pics from our night. Love ya Kenzie ;)
Kenzie girls
Nov 16, 2009
House. Updates.
Week 18
Nov. 13th - Nov. 19th
Master Bad-room bathroom - getting there
Hand rails going down stairwell - getting there
Garage completely built in the backyard - getting there
12 boxes of useless paraphernalia unloaded - done. Now, only 6 hundred to go.
and this isn't even close to half
Nov 10, 2009
I know Linda, you're right - I need more colour...
Parisian Paradise
House Updates Nov.6th - 12th
After visiting the most romantic and stunning city in the world, we decided that we wanted to go with a Parisian theme in the master bad-room. However, I'm finding the black, white and mauve grey colours that are synonymous with Paris are slightly, well, not to be mean but...dull. I would eventually love to get some deep mauves and creams or even possibly burgundy in there but I need some decorating direction. What would help? What would keep it Parisian classy and romantic but liven it up 'en peu'. I'd love to hear all suggestions and Peter, if you're still reading the blog, what do you think?
Nov 1, 2009
WEEK 14 and 15
(Oct. 23rd-Nov.5th)

We had company over!!!
What a great weekend. Nate and I had some of our first guests over for two separate wine and cheese evenings - even though the house if far from being done. The first couple to come were the Radical Rands. Scott and Yael came over for little pre-dinner madness before we all went out for Moroccan food at Casbah downtown. The four of us have a really neat tradition. Every two weeks, we get together to go to a different country represented by an ethnic restaurant here in Calgary. We've been to Thailand, Italy and Morocco as a couple. Soon, we'll be going to Japan, (but really it'll just be Globefish Sushi in Marda Loop).
Nate getting the vino ready for the evening
The following evening, we had my best friend in the entire world (Jenny) over with her wonderful hubby Jesse. The four of us had so much fun talking, eating and of course Jenny and I had to break out in dance - something that seems to happen every single time we get together. The two of us hooked up the Ipod to the new stereo system and danced in the family room until 12:00 a.m while the boys continued to talk and drink. I know that secretly they were both watching the two of us dance around because they would stop at random points in the conversation and Jesse would stare at Jenny and Nate would look at me with that mysterious gaze of his. Here are a few pics of the fantastic night with the Shouldices. Unfortunately, we were to preoccupied with composing choreography to take any shoots in those moments. Priorities come first. What a wicked weekend.
Little Black Dress - a.k.a TROUBLE

p.s Check out the olive green glass tile backsplash -seriously beautiful in my humble opinion. It reminds me of old melted wine bottles. GORGE!